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发表于 2006-2-1 03:54:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 广东深圳


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Central Asian Ovcharka

The Central Asian area is really the melting-pot of antic humanity and the start bloc of Turkish-Mongol empires. Cimmerians, Scythes, Sarmates and Huns took over the first from the other. About 3000/4000 years before Christ, people coming from Iran came in the area which we know now as Turkmenistan. These people were mixed into the old civilisations where they settled down, but they carried a new form of farming and breeding; they bred cows. This moment of history is called the Annau culture. Dogs from the Annau people were from the Bronze type (Canis Matris Optimae), from the point of view of Duerst (his works were edited in 1908), this type of dog is really different from the Canis Familiaris Poutiani, his muzzle is larger.

Archaeological researches show that a dog with strong body, strong jaws and short muzzle exists at this moment. On clay statues one can easily recognise the Central Asian Ovcharka. On archaeological, geographical, cytological and morphological bases we can think that the shepherd dogs from Eurasia came from the same group of dogs, but their cradle is not Tibet; it is the area from actual Kurdistan. This Kurd dog is the ancestor of all of this group, even of the Tibetan Mastiff. The protection dogs group is older than 11.000 years, and domestic sheep is known since 9000 years before Christ. In every literature, the Tibetan Mastiff is recognised as the oldest breed and an ancestor for the mastiff group. This is normal, if we consider that for Occidental (Western) people this breed was known first.
In 1121 before Christ, a dog training for finding people was offered to the Chinese emperor. This dog was drawn and know, and people thought that in the time of great invasions, the mastiff dog was mixed with native breeds to give our actual CAO. It was even told that by these mixtures, the Tibetan Mastiff lost his long hair and took a lot of different colours. But it can’t be true in regard of genetic rules, short hair is a recessive gene, so this proof can’t be the one. In regard of Duerst, the Tibetan Mastiff came from Canis Familiaris Poutiani (less larger muzzle). This dog is linked with the Laiki, CO and so on. He had a triangular shaped head. The Annau dog type is of a different form and the CAO came from this one.

2000 Years before Christ, the area from actual Turkmenistan became a desert, all the people went away to Iran and the Persian Golf, they left behind the ancestors of the actual Turkmen population, with their flocks and their dogs. At this moment the river Amour-Dania (Oxus) didn’t finish in the Aram sea but in a large lake which was continued by the Ouzboï river which finished in the Caspian Sea. No one could suspect that this area could become a desert as we know it now (Kara-Koum). It was a dry steppe area. The Oxus rises in Pamir, we think the CAO breed follows this river for about 2600 kilometres through Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Even in the Caspian Sea road of old Ouzboï (dry now) we can find CAO type of dogs. The desertion of this area helped to preserve this type of dog as we know it now. This area was political and cultural isolated and nobody wanted to know it. It’s why this type of dog didn’t change since then.
In each area, dog selections were based on different ways of using the dogs and it’s why we can meet different species/types in the same breed. But it’s not possible to mix up the CAO with another breed.

Even thought this breed is very old, it is only known very recently as CAO. In 1939 Mazover told the CAO was incorrectly called “Turkmen Ovcharka”. In the catalogue of the 11th. utility dog shows of USSR in 1935, Mazover explained and called this breed Middle Asian Ovcharka even if the name Turkmen Ovcharka was used too. It seems true that all species of this breed were carried from Turkmenistan, in catalogues this breed was called Turkmen Ovcharka of Turkestan Ovcharka. But it sure is a fact that the name Middle Asian Ovcharka appeared in 1938, nobody can tell why or by whom this name was given. Before and after World War II, both names were used and probably the name Middle Asian Ovcharka was chosen because it shows the real territory and origin of this breed. At the end of 1940 the name Middle Asian Ovcharka was definitively adapted.

On the other hand we can disagree with the choice of this name, because in these areas with some selection, some types of these dogs are show as a national breed. Shepherd dogs from this type in Turkmenistan were always called “Alabai” and in 1990 the standard for Alabai was written down as the MAO standard. This type of MAO was always preferred and even if we can find some other types in other areas, the Alabai type was always the “must”. Other types will certainly become national breeds, or will definitively disappear. We can only hope that the working qualities of these dogs will not get lost because it was his original work.

Sylvia Pons

(note: today we no longer use the name Middle Asian Ovcharka. The name has changed into Central Asian Ovcharka (CAO).

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-1 03:55:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东深圳

中亚地区是一个真正具有传奇色彩的人类多民族的聚集地,以及土耳其-蒙古帝国的起源地。Cimmerians, Scythes, Sarmates and Huns 等民族最先来到此地。大约在公元前3000/4000年前,一些人从伊朗迁徙到这块土地上,他们成为今天我们所知的土库曼斯坦人。他们和该地的原住民族融合,并带来了更为先进的农业和畜牧业的作业方法;他们开始饲养奶牛。这段历史被称为Annau文明。Annau人饲养的犬类源自Bronze(Canis Matris Optimae)类,以及源自一部分Duerst类。这类犬种确实和Canis Familiaris Poutiani类有很大的不同,它们的口鼻部分更为饱满。

考古学研究显示:这一时期的犬类有着巨大的身躯,强壮的口腭和短短的口鼻部分。在一些黏土雕像文物中我们可以轻易的认出中亚牧羊犬。在考古学、地理学、细胞学和形态学的基础上,我们可以推测这些牧羊犬来源自欧亚大陆上相似的品种,但它们(中亚牧羊犬)的起源地不是西藏,而是库尔德斯坦地区(在西南亚,疆界不明确)。这些库尔德地区的犬种是欧亚大陆上犬种中最古老的,甚至比藏獒犬更为历史悠久。这种护卫犬的历史可以追溯到11000年前,同时人类饲养羊的历史被考证也为11000多年(始于公元前9000年)。在绝大部分有关著作中,藏獒被认为是最古老的品种,以及是獒犬类的祖先。如果我们认为藏獒是第一个被西方人认知的话,那这个结论是无可厚非的。公元前1121年左右,人们训练犬类用来寻人,并提供给原始的中国帝国。这种犬是吃苦耐劳的并广为人知的,同时人们认为在当时的宗族征服战争中,这种犬与征服地的土生品种融合,产生了中亚牧羊犬。甚至,有人认为,中亚牧羊犬就是藏獒因为杂交,失去了原有的长毛并拥有了不同的颜色。但是,这些都是不符合基因规则的,短毛是隐性基因,所以不能成为证据。参照Duerst犬类的证据来看,藏獒起源自Canis Familiaris Poutiani类(一种更小些口鼻的犬)。Canis Familiaris Poutiani这种犬是与Laiki联系在一起的,它们拥有三角形的头。那些Annau人饲养的犬与它们是有差别,而中亚牧羊犬是源自Annau犬。

大约公元前2000年,现今的土库曼斯坦地区变成了沙漠,大部分的居民都迁往伊朗和波斯,他们留下的成了如今土库曼人的祖先,一同留下的还有他们的羊群和狗。在那时,Amour-Dania(Oxus)河还不是最终流入Aram海,而是流入了一个巨大的湖,这个湖而后由于Ouzboï 河的流入,形成了里海。就现在的该地区的情况看,没有人会怀疑它曾变成沙漠。这是片干燥的无树木的草原地区。Oxus河发源于帕米尔,我们知道,中亚牧羊犬繁衍在沿河而下的2600公里的地区:经由塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗、乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦。甚至在古Ouzboï 河(现干涸)入里海的旧河道的周围,我们也可以发现类似中亚牧羊犬的犬类。这地区的沙漠化帮助了中亚牧羊犬的保存和繁衍,使我们今天还能见到它们。这片大地在政治上和文化上都是孤立的,鲜有人想要了解该地区。这也就不难理解,中亚牧羊犬为何至今也少有改变。在不同的地方,人们根据各自的需要来挑选繁殖犬类,这也是为什么我们可以看到同一个品种拥有不同的形态的原因。但是,如果说不同形态是由于中亚牧羊犬和其他犬类杂交而形成,这是不可能的。

即使这一种类是非常古老的,它们也只是在最近才被人们认知并称之为中亚牧羊犬。在1939年,Mazover宣称将中亚牧羊犬(CAO)成为“土库曼牧羊犬”是不正确的。在1935年苏联的犬目录第11条工作犬条目下,Mazover说明并称该品种为中亚牧羊犬(Middle Asian Ovcharka),也就是从前的土库曼牧羊犬。看起来,该品种的所有类别都来自土库曼斯坦地区,在犬目录中这一品种通常被成为土尔其斯坦牧羊犬中的土库曼牧羊犬。但中亚牧羊犬(Middle Asian Ovcharka)的命名确实是在1935年,没有人能说明为什么或是谁这样命名的。二战前后,这两个名字都被使用,而中亚牧羊犬(Middle Asian Ovcharka)更多被选择,因为其更能反映这一品种的真实起源和栖息地。在20世纪40年代末,中亚牧羊犬(Middle Asian Ovcharka)正式被确定下来。


Sylvia Pons

(备注:今天,我们称呼中亚牧羊犬不再使用Middle Asian Ovcharka这个名称,而改用Central Asian Ovcharka (CAO). )



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发表于 2008-9-12 18:17:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东汕头
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发表于 2010-2-3 14:12:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏连云港
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发表于 2010-6-23 21:43:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 重庆
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