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先翻一篇最小儿科,也是基础,基础比较无趣却又比较重要。 水平有限,疏漏之处在所难免。 其中红字是不会翻译的,还望高手直接指正。 Agility training should be fun. Use a motivator totrain your dog, whatever it likes best. Whether it’streats or toys, reward the dog often. 敏捷性训练应该是乐趣无穷的。使用诱物(诱导因素)来训练你的狗,任何它最喜欢的东西均可。无论是爱抚(善待)或是玩具,经常奖励狗。 Each obstacle should have adifferent name. The dogs will eventually learn each obstacle and need to be ableto locate them on a course. Dogs learn the finer techniques required for agility competitionby training obstacles in groups of sequences, not by running courses. Most training should focus on sequence workand directionalcontrols. 每个环节(障碍?;点检测?;环节???)都应该有一个不同的名称。狗最终将学习每一个指令(障碍?;指令??????),并且有能力落实它们。狗通过一组有序的障碍训练,而不是流水训练,学习更精细的技术来应对敏捷性竞赛。训练应注重工作秩序和方向控制。 Before beginning a trainingsession, make sure the dog is properly warmed up. This is more important in agility than in obedience. You can injure your dog if you begin sequences or a course withoutwarming the dog up first. 在开始训练之前,确保狗适当地热身。这在敏捷性训练中尤为重要(服从性训练也要“热狗”)。你可能会伤害你的狗,如果你开始一系列训练或课程而没有”热狗“。 Do not train the dog with anysort of slip collar or pinch collar. They may easily get caught on a contact obstacle, and may resultin strangling the dog. 不要用任何收缩颈圈或者钉钩式颈圈来训狗。他们可能很容易在碰到障碍时受伤,并且可能勒死狗。 Be careful with the leash whentraining. Keep it clear of the contact obstacles. As with the collar, the leash may get hung on a contact obstacleand result in strangling the dog. When doing jump sequences dogs should generally jump at a heightlower than they normally jump. The point to sequence work is learning direction, control andtiming. 在训练时,小心训皮带。保持远离接触障碍。与颈圈一样,皮带可能会挂在接触障碍上并导致勒死狗。在做跳跃系列训练时,应该给狗设定一个比他平时跳跃高度还低的高度。连续训练课程的关键是学习方向、控制和时机。 Dogs should be given lavishpraise and an abundance of cookies when they have successfully completed anobstacle or sequence that had previously been difficult. Break off the sequence or exercise aftersuccessful negotiation of that obstacle or sequence, and give the dog a jackpotreward. 狗应该得到丰富的赞扬和大量的曲奇,当他们已经成功地完成了一个空前难完成的障碍或序列。中断序列或运动后顺利地通过障碍或序列,并给狗嘉奖。 大多数的错误将是你,而不是狗的。当你犯错误时,不要对自己感到沮丧懊恼。狗不知道你生自己的气,而不是它。当你犯错误时,自己笑笑,让狗觉得它所做的是正确的。狗罢工通常是训练者对自己发火不是从生狗的气的——他们只是不知道区别,因为语调听起来是一样的。如果狗犯一个错误,使用“啊哦”或“Oops”,让狗狗知道这并不是正确的。这一定是用轻柔的语调说的。消极训练和惩罚一般是不允许的。例外是: Aggression towards another dogor handler
Not coming when called
Sniffing on course
Blatant disobedience by the dog. (Do NOT mistake confusion for disobedience!) 侵犯其它狗或者训练员
公然抗命。(不要错误混淆抗命!) Keep training sessions short. The dog should always end with a success. Even if you have to back up to something easier, the dog must endon a successful sequence. 保持训练时间短。狗应该总是以成功为结束。即便你有更容易的备份,狗必须以工作成功为结束。 Train equally for right side and left side handling. Start trainingweave poles from the beginning. You’llbe glad you did! Do not allow the dogs on the contact obstacles unattended. 左边右边都要均衡地训练。从一开始就开始训练绕杆。你将会很高兴!不允许狗在接触障碍训练时无人陪同。 Consistency is the key totraining. Your body will tell the dog where it is to go next. Be consistent with your body signals. Don’t “lie” to the dog. Above all else, keep your dog’s safety in mind. 一致性是训练的关键。你的肢体会暗示狗下一步要干什么。(口令)跟你的肢体语言保持一致性。不要对狗撒谎。最重要的一点是,用心保证你的狗的安全。 Training should be fun for both you and the dog. If you’re not having fun, stop for the day. 训练对你和你的狗来说应该是有趣的。如果你不开心,终止当天的训练。