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发表于 2010-1-20 02:22:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 江苏南通


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本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2012-1-31 08:57 编辑

<p>整理了下原先博客里的关于杜高的一些资料和图  现编辑下作为合集  以便大家参考!</p>
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<p>这是关于杜高的原译本 </p>
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<p><font size="6">The History of the Dogo Argentino  </font><br/><br/>
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<p><font color="#000080" size="5">T</font>he history of the <i><b>Dogo Argentino</b></i> and the two brothers who created the breed is as colorful and passionate as the history of Argentina itself. Antonio Nores Martinez was not quite 18 years old and Agustin a year younger in 1925 when Antonio first conceived and took the first step in his vision of a big game hound created specifically for the varied and rugged Argentine countryside.</p><b>
<p><i><font color="#000080">"I still remember as if it were yesterday... the day when my brother Antonio told me for the first time his idea of creating a new breed of dog for big game, for which he was going to take advantage of the extraordinary braveness of the Fighting Dog of Cordoba. Mixing them with other breeds which would give them height, a good sense of smell, speed, hunting instinct and, more than anything else deprive them of that fighting eagerness against other dogs, which made them useless for pack hunting. A mix that would turn them into sociable dogs, capable of living in freedom, in families and on estates, keeping the great courage of the primitive breed, but applied to a useful and noble end; sport hunting and vermin control."</font></i></p>
<p><font color="#000080">Agustin Nores Martinez, <u>History Of The Dogo ArgentinO</u></font></p></b>
<p>It is important to point out that the Fighting Dog of Cordoba, a breed established in that area consisting of Mastiff, English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, and Boxer is now extinct. Much of the early work on the new breed was devoted to eliminating the fighting eagerness and developing the hunting instinct. An effort that was essential and highly successful.</p><b>
<p>The formula Antonio started was: </p>
<li>1) the Fighting Dog of Cordoba, to which he added blood from
<li>2) the Pointer to give him a keen sense of smell which would be essential for the hunt.
<li>3) The Boxer added vivacity and gentleness;
<li>4) the Great Dane it's size;
<li>5) the Bull Terrier, fearlessness;
<li>6) the Bulldog gave it an ample chest and boldness;
<li>7) the Irish Wolfhound brought it's instinct as a hunter of wild game;
<li>8) the Dogue de Bordeaux contributed it's powerful jaws;
<li>9) the Great Pyrenees it's white coat and
<li>10) the Spanish Mastiff gave it's quota of power. </li></ul></b>
<p><b><font color="#000080" size="5">T</font></b>he brothers gathered ten Cordoban *****es as their nucleus and began bringing in the first of the contributing breeds as studs until the early offspring showed promise in the desired direction. At a certain point in the program they had as many as thirty *****es in their care. This undertaking would not have been possible for two young men still in school had it not been for the help given them by their family and friends of their father. The senior Martinez hired a kennel man to care for the dogs while Antonio and Agustin were in school and the brothers spent all their pocket money on food for the dogs. They were also helped by food donations given by their father's friends. Such help was gladly accepted by the brothers in those early years but the dream and the plan on how to make it a reality was Antonio's. His was the genius that guided the program and Agustin was always at his side. Later in life when Antonio became a respected surgeon, his medical knowledge improved and refined his dream. He wrote the first standard for the new breed in 1928. Sadly Antonio never lived to see his dream become reality. He was killed by a man who intended to rob him during a boar hunt in 1956. Agustin then took over the dream, working on the new breed, bringing it back from near devastation and moving the headquarters for the breed from Cordoba to Esquel, located in Patagonia in southern Argentina. Agustin Nores Martinez was the Argentine Ambassador to Canada and he used this opportunity of travel to spread Dogos throughout the world. Big game hunters in Argentina and it's neighboring countries were using the Dogo on boar and puma. The Dogo Argentino was fast becoming a legend.</p>
<p>The Dogo Argentino is an endurance hound much like his Irish Wolfhound ancestor. He is expected to track the wild boar across vast pampas, corner the animal and attack and hold it for the hunters. He is capable of dazzling bursts of speed for short distances, but his forte is covering long distances at a gallop (hence the arched loins to give impetus at the gallop). Having cornered the boar, he must have enough strength in reserve to attack and hold a wild boar weighing up to 400 pounds. In a traditional boar hunt the hunter will jump on the boar and kill it with a knife thrust to the heart while the Dogos are locked on with a death grip.</p>
<p><font color="#000080"><b>In A Brief History of the Argentinean Bulldog, by Agustin Nores Martinez, as translated from the original Argentine:</b></font></p>
<p><i><font color="#000080">"I feel as a conscience imperative to make absolutely clear, which is the bulldog's background, the breeds that took part, what is what we intended to do, and which are the requirements or conditions that a bulldog must meet to be a typical example of the breed. This present extension, is a ratification of what was written in my first book. The fears I point to in the prologue to the four editions are confirmed a lot of times, when we see young people who ten years ago had never seen a bulldog, taking the part of "judges" in exhibitions, and who seemed to dream with "an own bulldog" awarding specimens which are far away indeed from what a good bulldog must be, as my brother Antonio and I intended in fifty long years of work and achievements.</font></i></p>
<p><i><font color="#000080">To the enthusiasts and honest judges, who really want to know what the bulldog must be like is dedicated this knew (sic) book containing the objective history, step by step about how the bulldog was achieved and the extensive glossary of the standard that I make in chapter XV of this book. To the others, those who mix the bulldog with the Bullterrier to make them of lower height and weight, fighters against their own kind is not this book addressed, but a piece of advice: To devote themselves to the breeding of the Bullterrier in any of it's two varieties - White and Color Bullterrier, or the Staffordterrier (sic) - breeds which were created for fights, really noble animals, by the way, of extraordinary courage to fight against on another and with those dogs, let their low instincts loose if that is what they want, but, for God's sake!, do not spoil a breed which was made, after great sacrifices to be useful for mankind.</font></i></p>
<p><i><font color="#000080">Since 1937 - more than forty years ago - a group of enthusiasts have been developing in Patagonia, with real sacrifice, the hunting instinct of the bulldog and trying to take away from them the ancestral fighting eagerness."</font></i></p>
<p>On the other hand, a few generations of bulldogs fighting between them will have make (sic) it involutionate, and we have painfully confirmed it already, to the useless Cordovan fight dog, insociable with it's own kind, harmful for domestic animals an (sic) useless as hunters or watching dogs. Happily there is, both in the country and abroad, a group of judges and enthusiasts, who know what it is and what it must be a good bulldog, and they use them for big game or they train them as watch - dogs, with which each generation will gradually improve and coming nearer and nearer to the goal we intended more than half a century ago."</p>
<p> <br/><img src="http://www.bandog.cn/UploadFile/2007-3/20073300193043532.jpg"/></p></div></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:26:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p>The Dogo Argentino was recognized by the Cinologic Federation of Argentina and the Argentina Rural Society in 1964. The Argentina Kennel Club, a member of the Federation Cynologique International (FCI) recognized the breed on July 31, 1973.</p>
<p>Undoubtedly a big game hound, the attributes of the parent breeds also give versatility. Early on in Argentina the Dogo was used for obedience, military, police work and as guides for the blind. Our members throughout the world are using the Dogo in a variety of ways from boar hunting in the former Yugoslavia, moose hunting in Canada, tracking, Search and Rescue, to Schutzhund training. Our sister club in Germany, Deutscher Dogo Argentino Club, founded in 1976 has made excellent progress in the Schutzhund field with their Dogos. Much has been said about the Dogo's courage and tenacity in the field, an honestly inherited trait courtesy of the Bulldog. However, this same courage and single mindedness of purpose gives rise to a great sensitivity and kindness towards humans especially the youngest and those most in need. The following paragraph was written by Dogo Argentino Club of America member Adrianne Jordan. Mrs. Jordan teaches mentally/physically challenged, children with the help of her Dogo Argentino, Carlotta. Carlotta was introduced to the children as a puppy and has had no special training.</p>
<p><i>"She is 3 years old now - and very mature and well - behaved. My students adore her and are very proud of her - somewhat possessive too, when it comes to sharing her with non-disabled peers! Carlotta gets more than her share of hugs, petting, and walks at school, and handles even the roughest of my students with impressive tolerance."</i></p></blockquote>
<p>The Dogo craves close physical contact with his people, a Dogo never lays at your feet, he lays on your feet. He is a reliable family guardian, interested in all activities and enjoying guests along with his family. Should the Dogo discern a direct threat to any member of his family, he will act to protect that person.</p>
<p>The Dogo Argentino is the realization of a dream that began almost 75 years ago. To use the word primitive in any context when describing the Dogo Argentino would be doing the breed a grave disservice. The Dogo is a consummate hunter, a superb companion, a wise and elegant guardian, he is complete.</p>
<p>The Dogo Argentino Club of America (DACA) was founded in 1985. It is the first parent club organized for the Dogo Argentino in North America. The Club is dedicated to keeping the abilities of the Dogo Argentino intact. There simply is no reason for the Dogo Argentino now or in the future to be divided into two types. A "field" Dogo and a "show" Dogo are one and the same, they were created to be that way, and our breeders are determined to keep them that way. Perhaps our feelings on the matter are best described in the opening paragraph of our standard which first appeared in print in 1985.</p>
<p><i>"The Dogo Argentino is bred in his native Argentina to hunt big game, primarily, boar and mountain lion. He hunts great distances over rugged terrain and engages the game until the hunter kills it. He is one breed developed from ten. The many attributes from the parent breeds are a masterful blend resulting in a large, powerful dog with great endurance. The Dogo should give the appearance of an elegant, smoothly muscled, well - balanced dog capable of stepping out of the ring and into the hunt. Judges are asked by the club sponsoring the breed to keep this fact uppermost in their mind when evaluating the merits of the dog."</i></p></blockquote>
<p>One of the primary functions of a parent club is the protection of it's breed. After much thought &amp; consideration for recent laws, the Club decided to give those who show their Dogos the option of not cropping the ears. Because the Dogo is much admired for his courage in the hunt and because he does bear a resemblance to the American Pit Bull, the Club took this as well as the recent changes in law which no longer allow for cropping of the ears, in several areas throughout the world, the standard now reflects the allowance of cropped or uncropped ears. </p>
<p>The Dogo Argentino is a slow maturing breed. Males are not fully grown until at least three years of age. The females are faster maturing, reaching full maturity at two years of age. The Dogo's white coat should be thick and glossy with a "satin-like," feel. They need only a once a week grooming with a rubber curry to keep the coat and skin in good condition.</p>
<p>Because of their white color, the Dogo's skin is more sensitive than that of the colored breeds. They can sunburn, so shade should be available when the Dogo is outside for long periods of time. Use only gentle shampoos or those made for white coats when bathing the Dogo.</p>
<p>The breed is not hyperactive, but young Dogos are inquisitive and keep themselves busy investigating everything around them. Adolescent Dogos, particularly males, have a tendency to be show-offs. A favorite feat is to lounge on a couch or chair, then suddenly slide "bonelessly," to the floor while nearby humans grab frantically for a leg or tail to prevent disaster. The pup then lies on the floor in a rumpled heap and grins up at the breathless humans!</p>
<p>The mature Dogo does need regular exercise to maintain the muscle structure that is the hallmark of the breed.</p>
<p>Being a rare breed in North America does not exempt the Dogo Argentino from genetic problems. However, because of the careful work of the Nores Martinez brothers, the Dogo does not have a serious problem as yet. The one genetic fault that "comes with" the breed because it is a white coated dog, is deafness. The Dogo Argentino Club of America monitors all litters whelped to DACA registered parents. The percentage of deaf puppies is 10 percent overall, the same percentage as that of our sister club in Germany. All Dogo Argentino puppies sold by DACA members are accompanied by a statement from the breeders' veterinarian attesting to the fact that the puppy can hear OR a BAER test print out.</p>
<p>The Dogo Argentino is a wonderful family dog. They are very intelligent and house train easily. A warm body and soft couch will keep a Dogo quiet for hours. They are clean house dogs that need little coat care. Dogos love children with a passion. At the sight of a child, a Dogo will light-up like a child on Christmas morning. They are as gentle and loving with their children and family as they are tenacious with their prey.</p>
<p>Obedience training is fun for the Dogo. They are natural heelers and respond wonderfully to positive reinforcement and motivation training. They enjoy working and pleasing their owners. On the other hand, Dogos don't seem to understand force training and will sometimes appear stubborn in response to a force training method, or a forceful attitude. They have a very steady temperament and seem to adjust themselves quickly to different situations. In working with Dogos in obedience, you must always keep in mind that the Dogo is a hound. Like other hounds, you are constantly working to keep their attention on you and not the exciting smells around them. They will air and ground scent and this can be very distracting to the dog when working. Therefore, you must teach them that there is a time to work and a time to hunt, which can be a test of patience to both handler and dog.</p>
<p>Obedience title statistics from the American Kennel Club confirm the difference between the hound and working breed groups. From 1980 to 1990 there were 4,001 Companion Dog (CD) titles, and 697 Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) titles earned by members of the Hound Group. On the other hand, dogs in the Working Group earned 24,455 CD titles, and 5,223 CDX titles in the same period.</p>
<p>The DACA is the parent club of the Dogo Argentino in the United States. It is comprised of members that were drawn to the Dogo partially for its beauty, elegance and versatility, and partially for its intriguing creation. Imagine a boy with a dream so big, and a brother so devoted to his brother's dream that he would dedicate his life to its creation. The whole family, aunts, uncles, parents, and family friends all did what they could to help these boys. What love, devotion and determination went into this breed. Starting with one and combining until ten breeds were involved, (most U.S. breeders, unfortunately, would not even comprehend this discipline).</p>
<p>It took fifty years of their lives to create the magnificent, big game hunter that we know today as the Dogo Argentino. Breeders today should take a close look at this kind of devotion. Breeding for a purpose, to make a breed the best it can be in order to fulfill its purpose, should be the goal of all breeders.</p>
<p>Unfortunately many of our U.S. breeders today worry about the "marketing" of their breed rather than the purpose or betterment of their breed. We need to remember the purpose for which each breed was created or developed, and strive to preserve or improve on that. Breeders should always consider each breeding with a goal of achieving a perfect specimen.</p>
<p>I pray that as the Dogos are introduced into our great country, fanciers and breeders alike will keep the Nores Martinez brothers wishes and dedication close to heart, for the development of the Dogo Argentino was truly a miraculous creation</p>
<p><img src="http://www.bandog.cn/UploadFile/2007-3/20073300175822349.jpg"/></p>
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:28:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p>中文翻译版本 </p>
<p>杜高犬的历史 <br/></p>
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<p>  阿根廷杜高犬和培育出阿根廷杜高犬的两兄弟的历史就好像阿根廷国家的历史一样色彩斑斓而富有激情。当安东尼奥(Antonio Nores Martinez)在1925年开始设想并为自己的理想迈出第一步的时候,他才18岁,他弟弟阿格斯丁比他小一岁,当时安东尼奥是个并不安分的青年,他想像着培育出一种体型大,勇气十足的猎犬来适合阿根廷崎岖多变的乡下地区。 <br/></p>
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<p>  阿格斯丁(Agustin Nores Martinez)在《杜高犬的历史》里面回忆里说:“就好像昨天发生的事情一样,我仍然记得那天,我哥哥安东尼奥第一次告诉我他的想法:培育出一种新品种犬以进行大型狩猎,他打算利用有着非凡勇气的科多巴斗犬(the Fighting Dog of Cordoba),再混以其他品种以给予身高、好的嗅觉、速度、狩猎本能、还有其他一些以除去跟其他狗搏斗的欲望,这种欲望会使他们在群猎时毫无用处。这样的混血会使得他们可以自主生活,也可以在家庭、庄园生活;保留他们原始品种的勇气,不过勇气要用于狩猎和对付坏蛋。”<br/></p>
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<p>  原产地:阿根廷<br/></p>
<div class="spctrl"></div>
<p>  起源时期:20世纪20年代<br/></p>
<div class="spctrl"></div>
<p>  起初用途:狩猎比赛和斗犬<br/></p>
<div class="spctrl"></div>
<p>  现在用途:伴侣犬<br/></p>
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<p>  寿命:10-11年<br/></p>
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<p>  别名:阿根廷獒<br/></p>
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<p>  体重范围:36-45千克<br/></p>
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<p>  体高范围:61-69 <br/></p>
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<p>  杜高是在南美培育的少数犬品种之一,20世纪20年代,一个阿根廷的育种者,安东尼奥.瑞斯.马丁那兹博士,为了狩猎美洲豹和美洲狮的猎犬育成了该品种。起初培育这一凶猛且给人印象深刻的品种是为了成群的狩猎。马丁那兹博士用西班牙斗犬,西班牙獒,<a href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/47859.htm" target="_blank">大丹犬</a>,一种古老的公牛梗犬,牛头犬和<a href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/26721.htm" target="_blank">拳师犬</a>育成了强壮有力的杜高。杜高有非常强的耐力,其白色的被毛反射而不是吸收热量。<br/></p>
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<p>  斗犬活动仍然流行于南美的许多地方和世界各地,对于斗犬的组织者和爱好者,杜高非常有吸引力。杜高是阿根廷第一个本地的纯种犬,需要较早地与其它动物接触,调教和大量地训练。杜高地头骨大且结实,颌强劲有力,为了使犬具有攻击性体型,耳朵被截掉相当窄。<br/></p>
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<p>  </p>
猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:29:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
FCI繁育标准No.292-阿根廷杜高 <br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  INFO: FCI-Standard N° 292 / 29. 01. 1999/ GB<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  FCI分类:<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  组别2......史那莎和宾沙,猛犬和瑞士山脉牧牛犬<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  部分2.1.....猛犬类型,马士提夫类型<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  不需要工作能力考察<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  发源:阿根廷<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  译自: Club del Dogo Argentino (Dr Antonio Nores Martinez), Federación Cinológica Argentina and Mrs R. Binder.<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  犬种繁育标准发布或原始承认日期:1999.01.29<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  功用:大型猎物狩猎犬<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  简短历史摘要:这一犬种起源于阿根廷(地中海)中心区域的科尔瓦多省.它的创始人为 Antonio Nores Martinez医生,他是一个非常有名望的医生和当地一个大家庭的成员.在1928年,他在也许是家传的激情的驱使下,创造了他命名为--阿根廷杜高的狗的雏形并制定了其繁育标准.他的工作是基于一些纯种犬和科尔瓦多古老斗犬(这是一种强壮精力旺盛但神经类型和遗传性状不稳定的狗)间的系统的杂交工作. 科尔瓦多斗犬是马士提夫,斗牛犬和斗牛更的杂交犬种,广为狂热的斗犬迷熟知和喜爱,而在当时斗犬是所有社会阶层都热情支持的大众化的运动.经过对各级杂交后代性格的透彻详尽的研究和筛选之后,Nores Martinez医生成功的达到了他目地,建立了第一个杜高家庭.一开始杜高是被作为斗犬使用的.但是Nores Martinez医生酷爱狩猎,这就使他把杜高编入了他的常用的猎犬队伍中,在那里这个崭新的犬种充分的显示了它的能力,成为了猎犬队伍里的中坚分子,所有的这些经历使得杜高迅速的成为了优秀的大型猎物狩猎犬.<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  随着时间的推移,与人和猎犬的配合使它具有了许多其他方面的能力,现在他被认为是高贵忠实的伴侣和主人的不可逾越的护卫者.它的力量,坚韧,灵敏的嗅觉和勇气使得它成为在阿根廷广阔地形多变的版图内狩猎诸如野猪,美洲狮和其他大型肉食动物的最棒的猎犬.在1964年3 月21日这一犬种被阿根廷Federación Cinológica 和阿根廷乡村协会承认,这两个机构发行了杜高的血统证书并开启了注册业务.在1973 年7 月31 日,这一犬种被FCI(国际犬联合会)承认为阿根廷第一个和唯一的地产品种,感谢 Augustin Nores Martinez兄弟---这一犬种的创始人和成功者,感谢他们的激情,努力和成就.<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  普遍外观:普通猛犬类型,身体结实有力,有着均衡的比例和高大的身材.整体外观非常和谐,精力充沛,这些都要归功于它强劲的肌肉,不太松懈的皮下组织和附着在其上的坚韧有弹性皮肤.它步伐坚定轻盈,展示了它的机智快速的应变能力,而且它的行为方式也曝露了它乐观的天性.它惊人的洁白美丽的外表,善良热爱生活和人类的本性使得他能轻易的获得人们的青睐.<br/>
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<p>  重要比例:作为一个体形协调的动物,是不准许有与整体和谐平衡相背离的部分出现的. 杜高是中等头形(头指数在76.0和80.9之间)的狗,嘴吻部分必须和头盖骨的长短相等.肩高必须和臀高相等.胸深大概占肩高的50%,体长要比身高大出约10%.</p>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-20 2:35:32编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:35:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
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<p>  头盖骨部分:紧凑、从前面向后面呈球面发展,横向也是如此。它的颧骨隆起远离头盖骨,这样在两者中间形成一个暂存的大的空穴,这样就给颞嚅肌以巨大的活动空间。头盖骨正中央的下沉也非常明显。<br/></p>
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<p>  嘴部:有不太明显的轮廓,就像由球面的头盖骨到略凹的前部的过渡。从侧面看,眉骨突起造成了线条分明。<br/></p>
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<p>  面部长度:等于头盖骨的长度<br/></p>
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<p>  鼻子:有宽大的鼻孔。鼻子为黑色,向前稍微上翘,鼻子末端在嘴吻部的外弧线轮廓以内。从侧面看,鼻子前端线条为垂直的竖线,与上颌骨边缘平齐或者略向前突。<br/></p>
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<p>  口套部:强壮,长略大于深,很宽,边缘略收敛。鼻骨线条线稍向下凹,这几乎是所有杜高的特征之一。<br/></p>
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<p>  嘴唇:中等厚度,短且紧紧包合。边缘不受限制,唇线最好为全黑色。<br/></p>
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<p>  口部/牙齿:口部强壮形状适中,没有下凸腭和上凸腭.口部稍细且均匀收敛.宽大的口确保了最大限度地咬合容量.牙齿大,发达,牢固地长在牙床之上,外观清洁没有龋齿.牙系最好是完整无缺,牙齿弓形均匀.虽然也容许剪状咬合的存在,但杜高一般为钳状咬合.<br/></p>
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<p>  面颊部:面积大且较平,运动灵活.有坚韧的皮肤覆盖.<br/></p>
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<p>  眼睛:深色或淡褐色,被有黑色色素沉淀的眼睑所遮盖,缺少黑色素的眼睑也不算缺点.杏核形状,位于中等高度,两眼间距需大.整体看来,眼睛必须警觉、活泼,而且同时必须有坚定的表情,尤其是雄性更应如此。<br/></p>
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<p>  耳朵:位置高,而且从头部侧面嵌入,两耳很好的分开在宽阔的头盖骨两边。由于功能上的需要,有时候需要剪耳,以确保耳朵直立,剪过的耳朵一般为三角形,且不能超过原外耳边缘的50%长度。未裁的自然耳一般中等长度、宽、厚、平而且尖端为圆形。耳朵上覆盖着光滑且略短于体毛的毛,有一些斑点不算缺点。自然下垂的时候耳朵一般覆盖脸颊的后部,当杜高警觉的时候耳朵一般为半立状态。<br/></p>
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<p>  脖子:中等长度,健壮,直立,肌肉发达,脖子上线稍凸。有些象缩短的圆锥形,它与头盖骨的连接处覆盖住了后脑的骨质突起。脖子底部与胸部相连之处非常宽阔。脖子上的皮肤厚实且有弹性,可以在比身体其他部分稍松懈的皮下组织上相对自由的滑动。咽喉处有不定出现的褶皱,这是一般杜高都有的功能特征。这部分的皮肤比身体其他部分的皮肤较长。<br/></p>
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<p>  身体:身长(从肩的突起点到臀部的突起点)大概比肩高长10%。<br/></p>
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<p>  背线:平直,肩的最高点大概与臀部的最高点在一条水平线上。</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 肩:宽大、高。<br/></p>
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<p>  后背:宽阔强壮,具有非常发达的肌肉形成的向腹部的倾斜坡度。<br/></p>
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<p>  腹部:结实,藏在发达的腰部肌肉之中,这些肌肉使脊骨的部分形成一道犁沟。稍微比背部短些,向臀部渐缩。背线部分发达的肌肉使得杜高有线条下降的外观(其实背线没有真正的下降,成年的这一特点尤为突出,因为它们的后背和脊柱周围的肌肉更加发达。<br/></p>
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<p>  臀部:中等长度,宽阔,结实,轻微的显示出髂骨和坐骨的顶尖。臀部稍比胸部窄一些,与地平线大约呈30度角,这样可使背线呈圆弧状下降,只到过渡到尾根。<br/></p>
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<p>  胸:宽阔、深。胸骨顶尖部和肩关节处(肩胛骨和肱骨连接处)处于同一条水平线,胸骨的轴线和肘部的处在同一条水平线。宽阔的胸腔给呼吸器官提供了最大限度的容积,长且适度弯曲的肋骨和胸骨在肘的水平线上相接。<br/></p>
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<p>  腹部:腹部向上收缩超过胸部底线,但是永远不能有灵提样的腹部外观。腹部和腰部的肌肉都结实紧绷。<br/></p>
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<p>  尾巴:中等高度,与背线大概呈45度角。马刀形状,粗、长、下垂至跗部。在休息的时候自然下垂,当活动的时候,它上举略高于背线,而且经常左右摇摆。当小跑的时候,尾巴大概和背线相平或者略高于背线。<br/></p>
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<p>  四肢<br/></p>
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<p>  身体前半部:作为一个整体,它由结实的肌肉和骨骼组成,与杜高的身材成比例。从前面或者侧面看前肢直且垂直地面。<br/></p>
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<p>   </p>
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:38:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<div class="spctrl"></div>  肘:强健,被更厚且弹性更大的皮肤覆盖,没有褶皱。自然的分在胸壁的两边。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  前臂:与上臂长度相当,与水平线垂直,由结实的骨骼和肌肉组成,笔直。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  球节:明显与前臂在同一条直线上,没有骨头突起或者皮肤褶皱。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  胶:略平,骨骼发达和地平线呈70-75度角倾斜。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  前足:圆,脚趾短,结实,紧凑。足垫厚实,上面有触觉很粗糙的黑色皮肤。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  后半身:中等角度。从整体来看,它们强壮,结实平行,能够提供它们功能所要求的强大的力量。这样就确保了杜高能够具有超凡的爆发力和动作快速终止的特征。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  上股:与整个后腿成比例。强壮发达有可视性的结实的肌肉。髋-股间的角度接近100度。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  膝:与后肢在同一轴线上,股-胫间的角度大概为110度。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  下股:略短于上股,强壮有同样发达的肌肉。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  跗关节/跗:踝-跖部分短、结实、坚固,确保了后肢的有力的驱动。结实的跗关节有着明显的跟骨(跗的尖端)。跗关节的角度大概为140度。结实的跗呈圆柱形并与地面呈90度角。如果有狼爪,就应该切除。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  后足:和前足相似,但是稍小稍宽,其他形状相同。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  步态/动作:灵活稳定;如果对某件事物产生兴趣就会发生很明显的改变,它会直立于物体前并时刻准备对突发情况产生应变,这一特征在该犬种里表现的更为突出。行走安静,步幅大。前肢高抬后肢推进有力。在疾行中,杜高表现出饱满的精神和强大的力量。四足足迹线平行单一。溜蹄(溜花蹄)不准许出现,这会被视为严重错误。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  皮肤:均匀、稍厚,但光滑、有弹性。通过半固着的皮下组织和身体相连,不需要出现相关褶皱就可以自由的移动,这一特点并不表现在脖颈的皮肤上,因为那里的皮下组织更为松懈。有少许的色素沉积是可以的,即使这些色素随年龄的增长而增长。不接受过分的皮肤上的色素沉积。提倡眼睑和嘴唇上有黑色素沉积。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  被毛<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  毛:长度一致、短、触感平滑,大致长度为1.5-2CM。被毛密度随天气变化而变。在炎热的气候里 ,被毛稀薄(这样皮肤颜色就更加外露,黑色素斑点早这种情况下即使可视也不为缺点)。在寒冷的气候里被毛更加厚密或者还会生出底毛。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  颜色:全白色;只准许眼睛上有色斑出现,而且色斑的面积不可以超过头部面积的<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  10%。如果两只杜高有着同样的性状,评委就需要选择色斑较少的那只。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  尺寸:肩高:雄性62-68CM,雌性:60-65CM。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  缺点:任何违背上诉标准中的规定的特点都会被视为缺点,不同的缺点视情况而定等级。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  严重缺点:<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  骨量不足,肌肉不发达(羸弱)<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  鼻子有小色斑<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  嘴唇下垂<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  牙齿小、弱或者有龋齿。不完整牙系<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  眼睛颜色过浅;睑内翻,睑外翻。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  桶状胸,平胸<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  肋骨平<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  后肢角度过大<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  跗过长<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  非典型动作<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  幼犬皮肤色素过深<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  皮肤上有小面积色斑<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  脾气不稳定<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  丧失资格的特征:<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  牙齿上凸腭或下凸腭<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  浅蓝色眼睛,眼睛有不符合标准的颜色(异色症)<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  被毛长<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  被毛上有斑块,头部有超过一处的斑块<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  提高低于60厘米或者高于68CM。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  好斗,有攻击性。<br/>
<div class="spctrl"></div>  注释:雄性杜高必须有完整的两个睾丸并且全部滑入阴囊。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:43:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p><strong><font size="4">下面是杜高培育的过程描述!</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="4">&nbsp;</font></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp; <br/></p>
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<p>兄弟两个选择了科尔瓦多母犬作为雌性种犬,然后开始带入第一种其他犬种的血统作为修饰,这样一直到出现第一只理想幼犬为止。在繁育过程的某一时期里,兄弟俩的母狗的数量曾达到30只之多。这样的事业对两个还在学校读书的年轻人显然是不太可能独立完成的,于是他们得到了他们的家庭和父亲的朋友的资助。 年长的Martinez在兄弟俩在校读书的时候雇佣了专门的犬舍饲养员来照顾这些狗,兄弟俩还把他们所有的钱都花在了狗的身上。<br/></p>
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<p>他们还收到了来自他们父亲的朋友的食品捐赠。两兄弟在早些年里非常高兴的接受着外界的捐赠,但是如何使这些梦想和计划变成现实的还是Antonio兄弟两人。他指导的繁育计划是天才的,他的兄弟Agustin 一直都陪伴在他的身边。后来Antonio成了一个受人尊重的外科医生,他的医学知识推动和完善了他的梦想。他在1928 年编写了这一新品种的第一个繁育标准。但是Antonio没能亲眼看到他的理想变为现实,1956,在一次野猪狩猎活动中他被一个强盗杀害了。</p>
<p>Agustin 接手了他的计划,继续为这一新品种的诞生而努力着,他恢复了近似被毁的培育工作,而且把种群育种的基地从科尔瓦多搬到了位于阿根廷南部的巴塔哥尼亚地区的Esquel,Agustin Nores Martinez 是阿根廷驻加拿大的大使,他利用他能到处旅行的机会把杜高的后代撒布到了全世界。阿根廷大型野物的狩猎者们和与阿根廷接壤的国家都用杜高来狩猎野猪和美洲狮。阿根廷杜高很快的变成了一个伟大的传奇。</p>
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<p>  阿根廷杜高是一种非常有耐力的猎犬,在这一点上它与它的爱尔兰猎狼祖先极为相似。它象人们希望的那样可以穿越辽阔的彭巴斯达草原追逐野猪,围堵猎物和对其进行攻击,还可以帮助猎手们控制住乱窜的猎物。它可以用令人眼花缭乱的速度进行短途冲刺,但它的长处是可以长距离的快速奔跑(因此拱形的腹部给奔跑提供了推动力)。围堵野猪,就需要有足够的力量来攻击野猪,并且有能控制重达400磅(180公斤)野猪的能力。在传统的狩猎中,一般都是杜高死死的锁住野猪,然后猎手跳到野猪身上用刀刺穿它的心脏。</p>
<p>这是一段由Agustin Nores Martinez写的有关于杜高犬文章中的一段(译自阿根廷原版文章):<br/></p>
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<p>  "我觉得良心敦促我要彻底澄清有关斗牛犬背景的事实,我们计划要加入的犬的血统,是为了使斗牛犬达到我们理想中的典型模板的条件或者要求。这个血统选择的范围,我在第一本书中已经说明过了。我在第4 版书的序言中和后来多次提到了对一个年轻人的敬畏。当我们在十几年前看见一个年轻人从未见过一只斗牛犬,却能在犬展里担当“裁判”,希望有朝一日自己培育出的斗牛能成为标准繁殖样板,而这种“自己的斗牛”却与原来的斗牛在外貌和功用上大不一样。就像我和我哥哥在50年之久的工作和成就中一直想得到的那样。<br/></p>
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<p>  对于一个热心诚实的裁判来说,如果他们真的想知道斗牛犬到底是什么样子的,就必须注意这本包含该犬种历史的,从开始到最后的斗牛犬繁育过程的新书,还要熟知我在第14 章里提供的有关于繁育标准的数目众多的专业术语。对于想把斗牛和牛头更杂交以获得更低的身高和更轻的体重,并用杂种和纯种的狗进行打斗的人,不是这本书要说明的对象,这里有一条建议:对那些致力于将斗牛更培育成两种方向-白色和花色斗牛更或者斯塔福更-以用它们来打斗的人来说,这两种犬确实是高贵的动物,你可以让它们释放它们的本能,但是看在上帝的份儿上!请不要用破坏一个犬种的本来面目作为牺牲来满足人类的一点点欲望。<br/></p>
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<p>  从1937 年起-超过40 多年的时间里-一群狂热的人们在巴塔哥尼亚(南美一地区)为培育发展斗牛犬的狩猎本能和去除它们身上残留的祖先好斗的性格作出了真正的牺牲,<br/></p>
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<p>  另一方面,新生的斗狗热潮把斗牛犬变得毫无用处,我们已经很痛心多次提到了这些无用的科尔瓦多斗犬,同种之间都不好相处,危害家畜,不能作为猎犬或者看护犬。但令人欣慰的是,有好多国内外的评委和热心人都了解阿根廷斗牛犬并且知道它必须向着有益于人类的方向发展,他们用阿根廷斗牛去狩猎,并且把它们训练成看护犬,这种狗的质量一代比一代提高着,而且越来越接近我们近半个世纪都想得到的真正的阿根廷斗牛犬。”<br/></p>
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<p>  阿根廷杜高犬于1964 年被阿根廷Cinologic联盟和阿根廷乡村协会所承认。阿根廷犬舍俱乐部,FCI(国际犬联合会)成员之一,于1973 年7月31日承认了阿根廷杜高犬。<br/></p>
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<p>  毫无疑问的是作为大型猎犬,它的父本和母本们给予了它多功用的特性。杜高早期在阿根廷被用来作为服从犬、军警用犬和导盲犬。我们(美国杜高俱乐部)的世界范围内的成员如前南斯拉夫用杜高狩猎野猪,加拿大用杜高猎鼠,跟踪,搜索和救援还有护卫训练。我们的姊妹俱乐部-德国杜高俱乐部成立于1976年,他们在护卫领域里给杜高量身制作了非常好的训练计划。<br/></p>
<p><br/>&nbsp;<img src="http://www.bandog.cn/UploadFile/2007-3/20073300182344870.jpg"/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-20 3:10:05编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:55:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p><font size="5"><strong>dogo 外形及骨骼标准图解</strong></font></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://www.dogo-argentinokennel.com/web_things/about_us/Payohead.jpg"/></p>
<p><strong><font size="5">&nbsp;</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="5">头骨</font></strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font size="5">&nbsp;</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="5">颚骨</font></strong><br/>&nbsp;</p>
<p> </p>
<p><br/>&nbsp;</p> <br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-20 3:04:24编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 02:58:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p><strong><font size="5">&nbsp;尾部 及 腿部标准对比</font></strong></p>
<p> <br/></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font size="5">体型标准图解 </font></strong></p>
<p><br/> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font size="5">全身骨骼图解 </font></strong></p>
<p><br/> </p>
<p>还有几张头骨无法上传&nbsp; 想看的朋友可以到我博客看 <font face="Verdana">http://hi.baidu.com/%C8%E7%D4%C6%D1%CC/blog/item/7516c6fc2bc85c81b801a070.html</font><br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-20 3:07:20编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-20 03:13:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
<p><strong><font size="4">这是杜高之家&nbsp; </font></strong></p>
<p>有很多的相关资讯和图片 <font face="Verdana"><a href="http://www.dogo.com/">http://www.dogo.com/</a></font></p>
<p>&nbsp; </p>
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<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/dogo_fast_fact.php"><font size="4">Dogo Fast Facts</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<u><font size="4"><span title="Dogo fast=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="19" Facts? Fast?>新闻&nbsp;</span></font></u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </td></tr>
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<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/dogo_history.php"><font size="4">Dogo History</font></a><span title="Dogo History" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="20"><u><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 杜高的历史</font></u></span></td></tr>
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<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/basic_dogo_care.php"><font size="4">Basic Dogo Care</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<span title="Basic dogo=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="21" Care? Dogo?><u><font size="4">基本护理</font></u></span></td></tr>
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<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/list_of_breeders.php"><font size="4">List of Breeders</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<span title="List of=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="24" Breeders? of?><u><font size="4">育种者名单</font></u></span></td></tr>
<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="middle" height="25" solid? 1px?><u><font size="4"><img height="5" src="http://www.dogo.com/images/bullet.jpg" width="5"/></font></u></td>
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<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/things_you_should_know.php"><font size="4">Things you should know</font></a>&nbsp; <span title="Things you=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="27" know? should="should" you?><u><font size="4">注意事项&nbsp;</font></u></span></td></tr>
<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="middle" height="25" solid? 1px?><u><font size="4"><img height="5" src="http://www.dogo.com/images/bullet.jpg" width="5"/></font></u></td>
<td style="BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 1px" valign="center" align="left" height="25" solid? 1px?><a class="right_button" href="http://www.dogo.com/recommended_sites.php"><font size="4">Recommended Sites</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"><u><font size="4">相关链接站点</font></u></span></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
<p><u><font size="4">&nbsp; </font></u></p>
<p><u><font size="4">&nbsp;</font></u></p>
<p><u><font size="4">&nbsp;</font></u></p>
<p><u><font size="4">-----------------------------------------------------</font></u></p>
<p><span title="Dogo History" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="20"><u><font size="4"><br/></font></u></span><span title="Basic dogo=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="21" Care? Dogo?><u><font size="4"><br/></font></u></span><span title="Health Issues" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="22"><u><font size="4"><br/></font></u></span><span title="Dogo Rescue" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="23"><u><font size="4"><br/></font></u></span><span title="List of=" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="24" Breeders? of?><u><font size="4"><br/></font></u></span>&nbsp;</p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"><strong><font size="5">有点英文基础的朋友可以按兴趣自己点接查找&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></strong></span></p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"></span><strong><font size="5">&nbsp;</font></strong></p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"></span><strong><font size="5">&nbsp;</font></strong></p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"><strong><font size="5">另加上杜高图库&nbsp; 点接直接进入 </font></strong></span></p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"><font size="3"></font></span>&nbsp;</p>
<p><span title="Recommended Sites" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff" closure_hashcode_ttk6qr="28"><font size="3"><font face="Verdana">http://images.google.cn/imglanding?q=dogo&amp;imgurl=http://argentino-dogo.ru/img/dog/Zhemchug9.jpg&amp;imgrefurl=http://eng.argentino-dogo.ru/dogs/ZHEMCHUG-IZ-LUNNOY-STAI.html&amp;usg=__boYCt6-kE6an7bB1M-83o9TGRDw=&amp;h=573&amp;w=620&amp;sz=53&amp;hl=zh-CN&amp;um=1&amp;tbnid=TASfRQCsKED6rM:&amp;tbnh=126&amp;tbnw=136&amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddogo%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26sa%3DN%26start%3D72%26um%3D1%26newwindow%3D1&amp;ndsp=18&amp;sa=N&amp;start=69&amp;um=1&amp;newwindow=1#tbnid=aw9SbvJI1wEdKM&amp;start=59</font></font></span></p><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-20 3:28:09编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 08:52:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 重庆
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>[em57]以下是引用<i>伍陆柒</i>在2010-1-20 8:33:00的发言:</b><br/>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 09:18:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 广西河池
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-20 13:53:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 安徽宣城
<p>很好 很详尽</p>
猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-21 13:20:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 海南海口
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-24 13:41:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 海南海口
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-2-5 10:56:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江西赣州
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发表于 2010-6-29 20:47:27 | 只看该作者 来自: 湖南湘潭
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发表于 2010-6-29 21:23:36 | 只看该作者 来自: 广西南宁
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发表于 2010-6-29 22:06:31 | 只看该作者 来自: 湖南常德
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发表于 2010-6-29 23:17:29 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东济宁
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