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发表于 2009-2-4 04:38:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 西班牙


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&nbsp;全部有15种<br/><br/>&nbsp; <img src="http://www.paginabierta.com/estandar/mastin/mastin.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.stenata.cz/mastin/mastin-espanol/foto/mastin-espanol-elsa7.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.stenata.cz/mastin/mastin-espanol/foto/mastin-espanol-alcada.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.stenata.cz/mastin/mastin-espanol/foto/mastin-espanol-alcada9.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_SNXtWMkxs_I/R2lGpfbyKvI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/3nlBL53-28k/s640/2007_Valdejera.com%20%2816%29.jpg"/><br/>上面看到的是西班牙马士提夫 就是所谓的西班牙獒<br/>属于牧羊犬 现在多在市郊 别墅 和乡村 4年前在马德里市内看过一次 <br/>流口水 食量大 脾气大 对陌生人比较警戒&nbsp; 幼龄段一定要做融入社会训练 <br/><br/><img src="http://www.mejoresrazas.info/imagen/mastindelpirineo.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.foyel.com/razas/imagenes/138.jpg"/><img src="http://www.dogspain.com/dataimg/fotosAker%2025-04-04c.jpg"/><img src="http://www.pirineos.com/ezimagecatalogue/catalogue/variations/9608-400x500.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.ifca.unican.es/%7Ecamacho/dogs/breeds/spain/mp.gif"/><img src="http://www.pirineodigital.com/2008/noticias/fotos/mastin-gr.jpg"/><br/>&nbsp;这种是 比利牛斯马士提夫 或 比利牛斯獒犬 <br/><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">出自西班牙Pirineo Aragonés</span>山脉 这点和高加索很像 <br/>出自深山老林 人烟稀少之地 一出山就成为狗狗秀场新秀<br/>&nbsp;区别于圣伯纳犬 此犬比圣凶猛 早期也是牧羊犬 可训练成个人护卫犬 幼龄段一定要做融入社会训练<br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://storage.msn.com/x1pbglk-vqL4BumIjONH8w9iT5aMfGJCtbzx8hdsBiN2dc9vOG3SnnmLlPIRotMajxyj6-3lYACPkfKLGy470hiTu4kPMup-MMPVoxHgGRqfNJXqBiKWgaekviMC2bQ45e_6ddJ3xVzRvmRkk0kJzfDaA"/><img src="http://www.rsce.es/images/razas/agua_espanyol_cor.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Perro_agua.jpg"/><img src="http://www.i-perros.com/image-files/perro-agua-gallego.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://content.dogspot.de/img/rassen/Perro-de-Agua-Espanol_Autor.jpg"/><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/luismluque/R55OzIQEv9I/AAAAAAAAcXU/BGvwXm35Q1o/s400/PIC00061.JPG"/><br/>&nbsp;西班牙水犬 掌上有鸭子般的蹼 善于游水 <br/>精力旺盛 是牧羊犬 狩猎犬 和渔民的好帮手 <br/>现在民间多作为伴侣犬&nbsp; 杂交严重 纯种的价格也不会太贵 属于不错的大众犬<br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.mascotas.org/wp-content/uploads/galgo-espanol.jpg"/><img src="http://razas.de.perros.googlepages.com/galgo-espanol.jpg/galgo-espanol-full.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.mascotas.org/fotos/razas_de_perros/fotos/galgo_espanol.jpg"/><img src="http://www.viarural.com.ar/viarural.com.ar/ganaderia/mascotas/fotografias-perros/galgo-espanol-01.jpg"/><img src="http://www.animalesyrazas.com/wp-content/foto-raza-galgo-espanol.bmp"/><img src="http://www.gopetsamerica.com/dog_breeds/pics/spanish_greyhound.jpg"/><br/><br/><br/>上图是西班牙格力犬 速度快 但耐力不足 和我们中国山东细犬没得比 <br/>只适合在宽阔的地方猎兔 现在多用于伴侣犬 需大量消耗体力 <br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.puppyfind.com/breed/ca_de_bou/l_161646.jpg"/><img src="http://www.cadebou.co.uk/images/standard/english/PERFECT%20ca%20de%20bou%20.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.mascotissimo.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/presa_mallorquin_ca_de_bou_03.jpg"/><img src="http://www.cadebou.pp.ru/photos/kirya/ca-de-bou-gaviota.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://static-p3.fotolia.com/jpg/00/04/02/06/400_F_4020605_zgraq1TG9l3maWruQMyTvmUG4HlB9aFz.jpg"/><img src="http://www.cadebou.pp.ru/show/ca-de-bou-ezhevika.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.albaonline.org/fotos/25-08-06-22-15-121.JPG"/><img src="http://www.moloss.com/motm/2003/07/001.jpg"/><br/>西班牙猛犬&nbsp; <span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 32px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">ca de bou <span style="text-decoration: underline;">斗犬 狩猎犬 和护卫犬 属全面犬种 <br/>早期多在地中海一代的家庭 看家护院 是勇敢的犬种 非常强大 <br/>目前多在西班牙邻国葡萄牙和中东个别国家有发展空间 <br/><br/><img src="http://www.gopetsamerica.com/images/majorca-shepherd-dog.jpg"/><img src="http://www.larcarea.com/ca_de_bestiar1.jpg"/><img src="http://www.ifca.unican.es/%7Ecamacho/dogs/breeds/spain/cdbe.gif"/><br/><img src="http://www.nijmeijer.com/cadebestiar/pix/sasha1.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.caib.es/sacmicrofront/archivopub.do?ctrl=MCRST173ZI27579&amp;id=27579"/><br/></span></span><div style="" 1px="" solid="solid" rgb(227,="" 227,="" 227);="" margin:="" 10px="10px" auto;="" padding:="" 5px;="" background-color:="" rgb(247,="" 249,="" 253);="">纳达尔牧羊犬&nbsp; 也是很好的护卫犬 <br/>产自西班牙<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">Baleares岛 非常古老的犬种 早期也用于打斗 <br/>体型大 体重均匀 肌肉发达 身体结实又灵巧 <br/>数量不多 需西班牙人多多保护 <br/><br/><br/><br/></span></div><br/><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 32px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span><img src="http://www.elpresa.com/articles/4/kazan.jpg"/><img src="http://www.gotdogsonline.com/presa-canario-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/pictures/presa-canario-0004.jpg"/><img src="http://www.territoriopresovcharka.com/presa_canario_articulo2.jpg"/><img src="http://www.puppyfind.com/breed/perro_de_presa_canario/l_z01p5021r3.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.alanos.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Elli/Elly%20Dogo%20Canario%20Alano%20Perro%20de%20Presa%20de%20la%20Arena.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.theoriginalshogunkennels.com/hist2.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.canadogs.com/images/Canarioadult.jpg"/><img src="http://www.bienmesabe.org/revista_uploads/perrospelea.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.territoriopresovcharka.com/presa_irema_curto.jpg"/><br/>普雷萨 加纳利 无需多言 <br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.besfern.com/RAZAS%20FCI/fotosperros/grupo%201/Gos%20D%27atura%20Catala.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Gos-d%27Atura-Catala.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.dogdomain.com/images/087B_gos_d%27atura_catala.jpg"/><img src="http://www.mascotaz.es/wp-content/uploads/perro-gos-d-atura-catala-499-0.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.rac.uab.es/FOTOS/Gosdatura/ATURA1.JPG"/><br/></span><div style="" 1px="" solid="solid" rgb(227,="" 227,="" 227);="" margin:="" 10px="10px" auto;="" padding:="" 5px;="" background-color:="" rgb(247,="" 249,="" 253);="">加泰罗尼亚牧羊犬&nbsp; 西班牙加泰罗尼亚自治区特有的牧羊犬 古老犬种 。。<br/></div><br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.besfern.com/RAZAS%20FCI/fotosperros/grupo%205/Podenco%20canario.jpg"/><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Podenco_Canario_2.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.arucas.org/archivos/fotos%20noticias/podenco%20canario/Monografica%20del%20podenco%20canario.JPG"/><img src="http://www.viarural.com.ar/viarural.com.ar/ganaderia/mascotas/fotografias-perros/podenco-canario-06.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.besfern.com/RAZAS%20FCI/fotosperros/grupo%205/podenco%20Ibicenco.jpg"/><img src="http://www.canarias7.es/multimedia/i/galerias/46/gal46-13.jpg"/><br/>&nbsp; 加纳利猎兔犬 安达卢西亚自治区的小猎兔犬改良版 <br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1350/788625039_fa6c1cc6be.jpg?v=0"/><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2152/2321777763_2d6d4cfce3.jpg?v=0"/><br/><img src="http://www.dog-breeds.net/IbizanWireWebImtaged.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mEnA-37uUFY/SPsfoXLvxiI/AAAAAAAAA6Q/JGKkBwYrr9c/s200/Podenco+Portuges+2.jpg"/> 西班牙安达卢西亚小猎兔犬&nbsp; 古老犬种 非常有趣的犬种&nbsp; 体型有大有小&nbsp; 被毛有短毛长毛 <br/>奇特的犬种 和中国冠毛犬很象(冠毛是一窝不可能每只仔都是冠毛的 会有全身长毛的)<br/>&nbsp;一窝里父母高的可能出几个矮的 父母矮的可能出几个高的 长毛可能生短毛 短毛也可能一窝出几个长毛 。。。<br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.rsce.es/images/razas/sabueso_espanyol_cor.jpg"/><img src="http://www.club-caza.com/perros/estandares/images/sabueso.jpg"/><img src="http://www.sobreperros.com/fotos/sabueso_espanol/large/19839.jpg"/><img src="http://www.mascotamigos.com.ar/perros_imagenes/PerrSabuesoEspanol.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.perrerascastellanas.com/sabueso-espa%F1ol-3.jpg"/><img src="http://www.perrerascastellanas.com/sabueso-espa%F1ol-1.jpg"/><br/><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">西班牙萨布尔索猎犬&nbsp; 欧洲一种猎犬的改良版 嗅觉异常灵敏 <span class="Apple-converted-space"></span></span><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.club-caza.com/perros/estandares/images/perdburgos.jpg"/><img src="http://www.affinity-petcare.com/esp/img/gos/razas/Perdiguero%20de%20Burgos.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.viarural.com.ar/viarural.com.ar/ganaderia/mascotas/fotografias-perros/perdiguero-de-burgos-03.jpg"/><img src="http://www.viarural.com.ar/viarural.com.ar/ganaderia/mascotas/fotografias-perros/perdiguero-de-burgos-01.jpg"/><img src="http://www.perdizroja.com/aeppb/images/Asc.Perdiguero_Burgos/DSCN4903.JPG"/><br/><img src="http://www.fedecaza.com/esp/canalcaza/elmundodelperro/razas/img/perdiguero.jpg"/><img src="http://www.101razasdeperros.com/images/fotos-perdiguero-burgos.jpg"/><br/>西班牙猎鸟犬 也叫西班牙波音犬&nbsp; 一种欧洲猎犬的改良版&nbsp; <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.club-caza.com/perros/estandares/images/caeivissenc.jpg"/><img src="http://www.laclinicaveterinaria.com/imagenes/cajas/razas/perros/g5/ibicenco.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.rsce.es/images/razas/podenco_ibicenco_cor.jpg"/><img src="http://www.perrilandia.com/photo/cz1/f415045.jpg"/><br/>&nbsp; 伊比圣歌猎兔犬 有长毛短毛 个体都是高大型&nbsp;&nbsp; 安达卢西亚自治区小猎兔犬的改良版。。。<br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.mascotas.org/wp-content/uploads/euskal-artzain-txakurra.jpg"/><img src="http://www.busturia.org/dokumentuak/menu/Busturia2004%20257.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.sobreperros.com/fotos/pastor_vasco/large/89518.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1012/1458333685_2f1ccad687.jpg?v=0"/><br/><img src="http://blog.eitb.com/bosttxakur/media/image_28181_large.jpg"/><br/><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">Euskal Artzain Txakurra&nbsp; 巴斯克牧羊犬 产自巴斯克自治区(西班牙那个老实搞恐怖组织 想分离出来的那个区。。。)</span><br/><br/><br/><br/><img src="http://www.loyalcircle.com/assets/images/Alano-espanol.jpg"/><img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MdQWKNctcjw/Rrz2ZsQZGKI/AAAAAAAAC7Q/nLrVOMAlTkQ/s320/alano3.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.gotpetsonline.com/pictures-gallery/dog-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/alano-espanol-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/pictures/alano-espanol-0002.jpg"/><img src="http://www.rower.com/ftp/machoairon/alano_krowa.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.alano-espanol.pl/foto/nasze%20psy/grupowe/01112007_2_alanosy.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://csac.bravehost.com/Yaco.JPG"/><br/><img src="http://www.rower.com/ftp/alano/rebolito.gif"/><img src="http://www.alanosderodasviejas.com/imagenes/home_utrero_vaca.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://blufiles.storage.live.com/y1pIB_vB9InEGzO6ra_1t1pbwEu967xhbVLI-5ev8LE-oSAtZVBAoqVMz25o35qvt6ZiY6C6duesDo"/><img src="http://www.alano-espanol.pl/foto/nasze%20psy/paco.jpg"/><br/><img src=""/><img src="http://www.ifca.unican.es/%7Ecamacho/dogs/breeds/spain/alano/alano_old.gif"/><br/><img src="https://www.breederinfocenter.com/images2/20080503151010_143926_2.jpg"/><img src="http://www.rower.com/ftp/alanoSpain/180VERDUGA.jpg"/><br/><img src="http://www.newsmatic.e-pol.com.ar/usr/90/319/alano.jpg"/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="http://www.ifca.unican.es/%7Ecamacho/dogs/breeds/spain/alano/alano_w.jpg"/><br/>西班牙阿拉诺 也可以叫<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Simsun; font-size: 32px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">普雷萨 阿拉诺</span>&nbsp; 古老的犬种 比加纳利早<br/>结实强壮匀称勇敢迅速全能的犬种 早期用于狩猎放牧看家护院打斗和斗牛 <br/>&nbsp;真正的狂暴战士 如果加纳利是流氓 阿拉诺就是有文化的流氓 <br/>智慧加力量加服从= 可怕。。。<br/><br/><br/>

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发表于 2009-2-4 05:27:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 香港
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">ainting by Manuel Castellano in 1853. The scene is from Madrid. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?>
<h4><font color="black">There are different opinions on if the Alano Espa隳l and the Perro de Toro (Spanish Bulldog) is the same breed, but most people that are involved in the Alano, and the ANCAE (Asociaci鏮 Nacional de Criadores del Alano Espa隳l) regards the Perro de Toro as just a heavier version of the Alano, used in the Bullfights of old times. There are however breeders in Spain, and now in other countries, that breeds dogs that they claim is Perro de Toro's. They do not regard the two breeds, Alano Espa隳l and Perro de Toro, to be the same breed, but instead they regard the Spanish Bulldog as close related to the Dogue de Bordeaux.<br/>It have probably always been different opinions about these breeds and while some have regarded the Alano and the Perro de Toro as the same breed and interbred them, others have especially bred only bulldog typed dogs together, and therefore referred to their dogs as Perro de Toros. Obviously, the ones breeding only Perro de Toro typed dogs, should have a more "bulldoggy" stock than the Perro de Toro-typed Alano, which contain blood from both the Alano and the Perro de Toro strain of Alano.<br/><br/>When Alano enthusiasts tells that the Perro de Toro and the Alano is the same breed, and that the Perro de Toro is just a strain within the Alano, they are right. But we have to accept that some breeders regard this strain to be Perro de Toros, and that they want to breed this strain as a separated breed.<br/>Therefore this pages have been devided from the Alano Espa隳l pages, and they will show the past and present of the "Bulldoggy" Alano Espanol; the Perro/Presa de Toro. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">An old illustration of the Spanish Bulldog<br/>that Mr. Frank Adcock imported to England in 1873. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?>
<h4><font color="black">When the Spanish Bulldog was imported to England in the 1800's they was clearly discribed as Spanish <em>Bulldogs</em> and not as mastiffs. We can therefore presume that the imported Spanish dogs were of more bulldog type than mastiff type, which the above picture of Mr. Adcock's import shows.<br/>In one of my old dog-books (1930) it is written (no picture) that the Spanish Bulldog is equal to the Dogue de Bordeaux in size and weight and they are often confused with each other. I do believe that both the Dogue de Bordeaux and the Spanish Bulldog are remains of the type of the old Molossers of central Europe, and while several other breeds are related to these dogs they are too much refined to have kept the old type in their apperance.<br/>As mentioned above the Spanish Bulldog were imported to England in the 1800's. In 1840 Mr. William George imported a brindle pied Perro de Toro which he named "Big Headed Billy". Mr. Marquart did import two Spanish Buldogs in 1868 and Mr. Frank Adcock imported two more in 1873. We know for surtain that these dogs were used in breeding of English Bulldogs and the following are taken from the "Book of the Dog", published in 1948; <em>"The Bulldog Club really came into being in order to save the British breed from being crossed with the larger-sized Spanish Bulldog, which Mr. Frank Adcock had imported from Spain in 1873 -there had been constant warfare in the press from 1873 till 1875 between the lovers of the old style and the Adcock party, who advocates the cross with the Spanish Bulldog. Records show that 49 members joined the Club in the first year, and, as they comprised the cream of the fancy of those dogs, they were strong enough to check partically all inter-breeding with the hated Spanish Bulldog, except in the kennels of Mr. Frank Adcock and his friends, amongst whom Mr. George Dawes, an ardent Birmingham enthusiast, was then prominent."</em> </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">A picture, source unknown, that have been regarded as<br/>a Presa de Toro by some, while others believe that this<br/>dog is a Dogue de Bordeaux, Toulouse type (Toulouse Bulldog). </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?>
<h4><font color="black">M.B. Wynn writes in his 1886 book "History of the Mastiff" the following; <em>"It has been presumed without any decided proof that the Spanish Bulldog was originally imported from England, but the truth of this is far from certain, and having inspected some of the most noted Spanish Bulldogs that have been imported to this country, I have come to the conclusion that although the Spanish Bulldog is or was a remnant of the true Pugnaces, yet it differs considerably to the british Bulldog of modern age, in more characteristics than its greater size".</em><br/>Wynn writes further in his 1886-book;<em>"It may be unadvisable here to mention, that the imported pedigreeless Couchez, (whose blood runs in nearly every modern Mastiff) bore all the trace of having a large percentage of Spanish Bulldog blood in him, and although imported as a smooth St. Bernard I have little doubt that in reality he was little else than a Spanish bull-mastiff or Alano".</em><br/>The following is also from the same book; <em>"As a proof of the presence of the mastiff or Alano in Spain in past times. In Lockhart's Ancient Spanish Ballads mention is made of a mastiff that belonged to Don Pedro the cruel, Vide 11, 12, 13, and 14 verses of the XXII. ballad, entitled "The murder of the master of St. Jago," which took place at Sevile in 1358. I have not seen the original Spanish version, but the particulars mentioned in the ballad show that a mastiff and not a small bulldog was meant."</em><br/>We can judge by this that Wynn considered the Alano and the Mastiff, or Bullmastiff, to be, more or less, similar, while he consider the Spanish Bulldog to be of another type. He describes the pedigree-less Couchez as a Spanish Bull-Mastiff and judging by the illustration of Couchez we can understand that he compared him with a bull-mastiff.<br/>However, Couchez was imported from northern Italy, which in fact Wynn writes in his book, so it is not likely that he had some Alano blood in him, but rather blood from Italian Molossers, dogs that Wynn do not mention in his book at all. We can assume that Wynn simply did not have any knowledge about the Italian Molosser breeds.<br/>More about Couchez can be found at the Cane Garouf page here at Molosserworld. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">Couchez. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?>
<h4><font color="black">The Spanish Bulldogs imported to England in the late 1800's were all around 41 kg. (90,2 lbs). "Toro", one of the dogs imported by Mr. Frank Adcock, was 56 cm. (22 in) at the shoulder. It is very interesting that "Igor de la Rocca", who is pictured at these pages, has the same height.<br/>All these early imported Spanish Bulldogs to England was described as very muscular dogs with lots of wrinkles and deep flews. Powerful shoulders and neck and large feets, deep stop, undershot, and a broad and deep chest. They all had cropped ears.<br/>When judging the 1853 painting by Manuel Castellano, we can clearly see the power this dog are displaying, and we can also see the recemblance to the Dogue de Bordeaux. The extinct Toulouse type of the Dogue de Bordeaux was believed to be the Dogue that closest recembled the Spanish Bulldog, and some researchers consider the two, The Toulouse Dogue and the Perro de Toro, to practially be the same breed. Professor Kunstler (the man who wrote the first standard for FCI in 1910) considered the Toulouse type to not be a Dogue at all but rather a bouledogue (Bulldog). </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">Perro de Toro with cropped ears, owned by Gomez Bleda.<br/>Cropped ears since it is used for hunting wild pigs in the mountains. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?>
<h4><font color="black">There are probably still going to be much debated whether the Presa de Toro really is a bulldog typed Alano or not. The truth is probably that it is a bulldog typed Alano Espa隳l, a strain within the Alano. But we must accept that there are breeders that regard the Perro de Toro to have enough differences, or breed characteristics, compared to the Alano, to breed this strain as a breed of its own.<br/>The information on this page proves that there has been a distinctive bulldog-typed "Alano" for a long time. To have been able to keep the bulldog-type for so many generations, without loosing it, I would believe that some breeders must have bred only bulldog-typed dogs to bulldog-typed dogs, a long time before our modern time. This would be the only logical scenario.<br/>Let us hope that the future will bring favour to the Perro de Toro, and that the spanish entusiasts will separate the Alano Espa隳l into two breeds; the Alano and the Perro/Presa de Toro, so that the historical old bulldog of Spain will not dissapear. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times new=" New? Roman?><font color="black">"Igor de la Rocca" at 18 months of age,<br/>together with Ermanno, the son of Igor's owner, Mr. Gilberto Pauciullo. </font></font></h4></center><br/>
<center><img src="http://www.moloss.com/brd/mr/p002/p002.gif" width="539" height="74"/></center>
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<center><font face="Times New="New"  Roman"><font color="black">"Igor de la Rocca",<br/>owned by and pictured together with Mr. Gilberto Pauciullo. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">The Perro de Toro has a bulldoggy temperament; strong, independent and stubborn, self confident and courious.<br/>The strain bred as Perro de Toro is always brindle coloured. The bulldoggy Alano Espa隳l has all coloured found in the Alano.<br/>It should be 50-60 cm. (16-24 in) at the withers and weight about 42-55 kg. (92-121 lbs).</h4>
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<center><font face="Times New="New"  Roman"><font color="black">"Igor de la Rocca" at 18 months of age,<br/>together with Ermanno, the son of Igor's owner, Mr. Gilberto Pauciullo. </font></font></center></h4></font></font><br/><br/></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></div>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-4 5:29:55编辑过]
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发表于 2009-2-4 05:39:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 香港
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<center><font face="Times New="New"  Roman"><font color="black">Romo, Alano Espa隳l of the so called "reverse brindle" colour. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">The Alano is a born hunting dog, with unequaled bravery and courage. It is a good companion as a watchdog or for hunting. It has no fear of facing a boar, grasping it without concern for its own life. It is also used for working with bulls for controlling the wild animals in the pastures of Salamanca and the Andalusian estates, having performed this duty for centuries. <br/>The Alano Espa隳l is a very powerful and determinded dog, which is not suited for inexperienced owners. The breed "demands" alot from its owner, and, according to tradition, the working dog aspect must always be in mind when owning an Alano. <br/><br/>The breed have been known by many names throughout the times, all depending on where is Spain the dog comes from, and also depending on what kind of work the dogs was uses for; Alano Espa隳l, Chato de Presa, Chato Salmantino, Perro de Toro, Perro de Presa Espa隳l, Dogo de Burgos, Mast璯 de Jabalines, Alano de Carnicero, Mast璯 de Pelo Corto. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times New="New"  Roman"><font color="black">The Alano is an active and agile breed. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">As mentioned earlier the Alano Espa隳l and the Perro de Toro is regarded as the same breed by almost all persons involved in the Alano Espa隳l. But there are breeders in Spain, and now also in other countries, that breeds dogs that they claim is Perro de Toro's, -Spanish Bulldogs, and they do not regard the two breeds, Alano Espa隳l and Perro de Toro, as the same breed.<br/>When Alano enthusiasts tells that the Perro de Toro and the Alano is the same breed, and that the Perro de Toro is just a strain within the Alano, they are right. But we have to accept that some breeders regard this strain to be Perro de Toros, and that they want to breed this strain as a separated breed.<br/><br/>The height of the Alano Espa隳l males is 58-63 cm. (23-25 in), the females: 55-60 cm. (21,5-23,5 in).<br/>The weight of the Alano is normally between 35-45 kg. (77-99 lbs).<br/>The coat colours of the breed is brindle, red, fawn, black &amp; brindle, grey, white spotted with the other mentioned colours. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Times New="New"  Roman"><font color="black">Gitana, Rugo, Romo &amp; Rebollo, four different brindle colours in the Alano,<br/>from left: light brindle, dark brindle, reverse brindle and black &amp; brindle.<br/>Rebollo owned by D. Pedro Lu疄 Niebla. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/></font></font></font></font>
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发表于 2009-2-4 05:41:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 香港
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<center><font face="Arial"><font color="black">Cafe Ol?(Petey), imported to Puerto Rico by Dr. Gallardo, and bred by Pascual Asensi of the Benactil Kennel in Mallorca.<br/>etey's father is Zagal, a son of Ben (Tito x Anastasia) and the great female Alga, who is by Dino (Tito x Bani).<br/>Petey's mother is Ilka, a daughter of Dumbo and Chispa.<br/></font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">The Ca de Bou was restored from only a few foundation dogs and therefore the lines of the Ca de Bou is very "tight". A lot of inbreeding has occurred, and still a high occurrence of inbreeding is done by many breeders. In some countries I would go so far as to say that the situation is alarming, since these breeders still continue to do close inbreeding with dogs that already have been close inbred. To read some of the pedigrees is pure torture for anyone that believe in bringing new genes into a line to keep it sound. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Arial"><font color="black">Embat del Gor Blau and Lacky Lady des Dobs de la Loube.<br/>These two dogs can be found in the pedigree of <em>very</em> many Ca de Bou's bred in eastern Europe, especially in the Top Winning line of Osanna Kennels in Poland, the owner and importer of these two fundation dogs. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">The Ca de Bou is a playful and happy breed, but still with a bulldog temperament.<br/>The Ca de Bou is somewhat elongated build, strong and powerful. The difference between the sexes is apparent in the head, whose circumference is definitely greater in dogs than in bitches.<br/>The standard tells us that the Ca de Bou is quiet by nature, but he can under some circumstances be courageous and brave. He is at ease with people, faithful and devoted to his master. As a watch and guard dog, he is unsurpassed. In quiet situations, he is trusting and self assured. When roused, his expression is piercing.<br/>The Ca de Bou should not be too much "bulldoggy" in appearance, and a undershot that is more than 1 cm. is considered a serious fault. The same goes for a tail shaped like a bulldog's and the lack of rose ears. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Arial"><font color="black">Torrent de Pareis Atila at 3 years of age, bred by Tim Taylor, Sweden.<br/>Sire: As de C'as Brau. Dam: Alga d'es Puig Des Teix.<br/></font></font></h4></center><br/><br/><font face="Times New="New"  Roman">
<h4><font color="black">The colour of the Ca de Bou can be brindle, red, fawn and black, preference in this order. In brindle dogs, dark tones are preferred, in fawn, the deeper shade is preferred. White patches are permitted on the front feet, on the chest, on muzzle, up to a maximum of 30 % of the whole coat. A black mask is also permitted.<br/>Height at withers for males is 55-58 cm. (21,4-22,7 in).<br/>Height at withers for females is 52-55 cm. (20,4-21,6 in).<br/>Weight for males range from 35-38 kg. (77-83,6 lbs).<br/>For females the weight ranges from 30-34 kg. (66-74,8 lbs).<br/>However, in powerful specimens the actual weight may be more than what is given above. </h4><br/><br/>
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<center><font face="Arial"><font color="black">As de C跴 Brau, bred on Mallorca and owned by Tim Taylor, Sweden.<br/>Sire: Dino del Gor Blau. Dam: Ilka. </font></font></h4></center><br/><br/></font></font></font></font></font></font>
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-4 5:41:35编辑过]
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发表于 2009-2-4 07:06:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 爱尔兰
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发表于 2009-2-4 07:36:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 澳大利亚
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发表于 2009-2-4 08:33:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 浙江宁波
绝对要顶&nbsp; 不可不顶&nbsp; 学习了
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发表于 2009-2-4 08:56:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京宣武
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发表于 2009-2-4 09:39:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海
<p>请问ody Bz,CA de bou 是马洛昆斗牛吗?现在国内有吗?</p>
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发表于 2009-2-4 10:45:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>hereuare</i>在2009-2-4 9:39:00的发言:</b><br/>
<p>请问ody Bz,CA de bou 是马洛昆斗牛吗?现在国内有吗?</p>
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发表于 2009-2-4 12:15:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东潍坊
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发表于 2009-2-4 12:21:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东潍坊
[em59]&nbsp;&nbsp; 学习贴
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发表于 2009-2-4 12:21:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东潍坊
猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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发表于 2009-2-4 14:10:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京
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发表于 2009-2-4 15:36:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京房山
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>八旗子弟</i>在2009-2-4 14:10:00的发言:</b><br/>看来阿拉诺比加纳利还要凶呀,这两个品种我从外观上看区别不大呀,请高手指点一二. </div>
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发表于 2009-2-4 23:22:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东潍坊
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发表于 2009-2-5 07:27:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东潮州
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发表于 2009-2-6 05:43:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 香港
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>八旗子弟</i>在2009-2-4 14:10:00的发言:</b><br/>看来阿拉诺比加纳利还要凶呀,这两个品种我从外观上看区别不大呀,请高手指点一二. </div>
<p>西班牙亞雷诺 Alano Espanol 和加纳利之分別,</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-8 16:02:14编辑过]
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发表于 2009-2-6 05:53:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 湖北襄阳
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 一个小国家有这么多种狗!</p>
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发表于 2009-2-6 09:46:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 云南楚雄州
<strong>好贴,支持,有一点需要纠正,纯意义上的阿雷诺目前早已不存在,现代的阿雷诺也就是国内所谓的加纳利犬,特别指的是加纳利犬中的<font face="Verdana"><font face="Verdana">presa Canario</font></font>,阿雷诺也是<font face="Verdana">presa Canario的另一古老称呼,他的血脉早就融入<font face="Verdana">presa Canario</font>中,目前在德国有几家犬舍仍然在使用这古老称呼,但同时也在使用<font face="Verdana">presa Canario</font>或者Dogo Canario 的称呼,国内对加纳利犬称呼也需要改改,应该称为普雷萨Canario(<font face="Verdana">resa Canario )和道高Canario(</font>Dogo Canario)。</font></strong>
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-6 10:04:16编辑过]
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