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[其他獒犬] (獒犬猛犬)全集

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-22 20:06:08 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通


培育用途 牧羊犬

  中 文 名 比利牛斯獒

  俗名别名 迪派瑞尼獒


  原 产 地 西班牙

  繁殖方式 胎生

  历史起源 起源时期:古代;起初用途:羊的守卫犬;现在用途:伴侣犬、守卫.几个世纪以来,每年春天牧羊犬都用来驱赶着羊群,

  习 性 比利牛斯獒能抵御狼的攻击,保护自己的脖子,每只狗的脖子上都挂着“卡兰卡”——一种带钉的颈圈。这些精力旺盛的狗,脖子强壮,脸上有对称的花纹,

  体 形 身高:71厘米~80厘米;体重:55公斤~75公斤

  头 部 又大又长强壮的头颅稍圆,柔软但强壮的脖颈上皮肤松弛、下垂

  足 掌 前脚适中,脚趾紧密呈弓形。

  披 毛 脖子上厚厚的、浓密又粗糙的被毛稍长

  毛 色 金色和白色长毛和黑色与白色长毛。

  护 理 需要很大的空间和较多的运动机会,不适合城市生活。不要让它睡在坚硬的表面,

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-22 20:35:56 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-22 20:41 编辑




Dutch breeder's Thirlmere sirloin distributes the German German shepherd dog and
the wolf and it creates it.


Aggressive one side in other dogs and animals : though it is faithful to the owner ..
cautious... It has the will of adamant.


The daily exercise needs a large amount. The maintenance of the hair is brushed extent. A thorough discipline is important from puppy's time. The bristly short hair, and the color is a Woolf color, cream, and white, etc

Saarloos Wolfhound: BREED BOX

The 'Saarloos wolfhoind' (Dutch Saarloos Wolfdog) is a breed of large dogs with relatively wolflike appearance and behavior, such as strong pack instincts.
Starting in 1921, Dutch breeder Leendert Saarloos attempted to breed a dog that would be more amenable to training than the German shepherd. It is somewhat easier to train than other dog breeds more closely related to wolves, in part because the Canadian Timber Wolf, which hunts in packs (thereby giving it more interest in working as a team), was included in its background rather than the Carpathian Wolf, which hunts alone. However, the original goal has not been achieved.


The Saarloos Wolfhound is one of the rare dog breeds that over time has been addressed as the:

• Saarloos Wolfhound
• Dutch Wolfdog
• European Wolfdog

The Saarloos Wolfdog or Wolfhound was named after Dutch dog breeder Leendert Saarloos (1884-1969) who developed the breed. By the early 20th century Leendert Saarloos had become profoundly and adequately disillusioned with the direction that genetic breeding of the domestic dog had taken to take it upon himself to save Canis familiaris (domestic dog) from the inexorable and slippery decline of genetic degeneration.

Leendert Saarloos was of the opinion that centuries of selective breeding had in effect genetically weakened the domestic dog to the point that hereditary disease was rife in almost every breed. Furthermore he also strongly believed that the domestic dog had long since lost its true canine qualities as a result of such prolonged selective breeding. Thus he decided there was only one course of action left and that was to re-infuse the domestic dog genes from “the original source,” its ancestor Canis lupus, the wolf.



  品种: 畜牧与守卫犬

  性格特征: 不适合做小孩的伙伴,耐寒,容易训练,是较好的守门犬。

  用途变化: 起源时期:20世纪20年代;起初用途:改良犬的体形;现在用途:伴侣犬

  产地血统: 与捷克狼犬相比,这一稀少的荷兰品种更容易训练、更适于城市生活。


  体型体重: 身高:60厘米~75厘米 体重:36公斤~41公斤

  寿命: 10-12年

  毛色特征: 灰色短毛和深褐色长毛两种。

  体态特征: 头在两耳间微微拱起,宽阔有力的颈,长腿,脚轻微向外翻,被毛粗糙、不太长,绒毛浓密,位置低、黑色的尾巴覆盖着浓密的绒毛。

  护理: 在两岁前,应使其具备良好的社会性。需要大量运动,因此不适合城市生活,被毛无须特别梳理。

  优缺点点评: 友善而警惕,与其他狗在一起时,群体性很强,独立而固执,需要持续的训练,并以感情赢得它的心。

相关链接   http://pets-place.net/SaarloosWolfhoundProfile.html

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-22 21:02:15 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通


Cao de Fila de Sao Miguel
(Azores Cattle Dog)


Photo Courtesy of Vale da Palha

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DescriptionThe Cao de fila de Sao Miguel (Azores Cattle Dog) bears the specific characteristic of being a medium sized dog, which sets it apart from other Cattle Dogs, on average it is much bigger. They are square headed animals, with very strong jaws, expressive dark brown eyes, well developed musculature of the trunk and limbs. They walk with the typical characteristic of wadding slightly fringed in the anal region and buttocks. Their color encompasses the reddish-yellow, streaked, and the gray, also streaked, in both the dark and the light tonalities; it may also have white patches in the frontal region, chin, chest, and feet. The tail should be docked by 2nd or 3rd vertebra. The ears are normally cut round.
TemperamentThe Cao de fila de Sao Miguel is a rustic and dominant animal, able of remaining outdoors during the entire year guarding the herds and the tools used in agriculture. It's very intelligent and quick to learn, executing various master's commands. As a dog used in driving milk cows it usually bites low so as not to wound the mammary glands of the cows, biting higher on the lost cattle. A working dog by excellence but also a good guard dog of the property or as a protection dog. A dog with a very sharp temperament but docile to his master. Very intelligent with a great capacity to learn. Due to their function as a cattle dog he bites low with the objective not to harm the redders of the cows. Nevertheless they may bite higher when handling stray cattle. For the right owner, this breed makes an excellent guard and watch dog. They are very defensive of their territory. He should be well socialized, preferably when young with both dogs and people, especially with children, as the breed tends to be naturally wary of strangers, though he is very friendly with those he knows. In order to successfully keep a Cao de fila de Sao Miguel the family must achieve a pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in their pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined and rules are set. Because a dog communicates his displeasure with growling and eventually biting, all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. The humans must be the ones making the decisions, not the dogs. That is the only way your relationship with your dog can be a complete success.
Height, WeightHeight: Male 19.5-24 inches (50-61 cm.), Females 19-23 inches (48-58 cm.)
Weight: Males 55-90 pounds (25-41 kg.), Females 45-80 pounds (21-36 kg.)
Health ProblemsNo know health problems
Living ConditionsThe Cao de fila de Sao Miguel should live next to its owner.  This dog is not suited for apartment living.   It needs a job to do.
ExerciseNeeds daily exercise, which includes a daily, long walk.  It loves to run, play and work.
Life ExpectancyAbout 15 years
GroomingBrush coat few times a week
OriginIn 1427 the Azorean islands were discovered.  They were covered by a lush vegetation that was hard to penetrate, but there were no mamals.  The sailors of Prince Henry threw cattle in the maritime fringe of the islands. By 1439 there were abundant herds of domestic cattle in Sao Miguel.  Raised free, the cattle grew wild.  Therefore, a need for cattle dog of fila dog came.  The most important dog was the fila de Terceira (now extinct) which was then bred with other molossers to make the Cao de fila de Sao Miguel.  This dog became an indispensable element to cattle breeding, besides being an excellent guard of his masters possessions and family.


体型体重:身高:48厘米~60厘米  体重:20公斤~35公斤



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猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-23 23:15:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
CA DA BOU (马洛昆斗牛)
Height and Weight: Males are 18 to 24 inches and 60 to 100 ...
hereuare 发表于 2010-8-22 00:34


兄弟要是以后有好的犬种资料或图片   就请添加以便大家方便交流学习!
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-25 12:31:29 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
German Hunting Terrier


BreedGerman Hunting Terrier
Alternative namesDeutscher Jagdterrier
German Hunt Terrier
German Hunting Terrier
German Jagdterrier
Height (male/female)13-16 inches (33-40 cm) / 13-16 inches (33-40 cm)
Weight (male/female)20-22 pounds (9-10 kg) / 16-19 pounds (7.5-8.5 kg)
Life expectancy13-15 years
Litter size

About the German Hunting Terrier
The German Hunting Terrier, also known as Jagd Terrier, is considered as one of the most clever and industrious breeds of terriers. This young breed, having been developed just in the early 20th century, has been named such because of its great hunting abilities, compared with other dog breeds.

The development of this breed was purposive such that a functional dog breed would be available as companion for those who are into hunting trips. Although a regal breed in terms of hunting, this breed can also be used as a pet but be sure to involve your pet in activities where it could combust and make use of its energy and strength. However, with its intelligence in marauding and seeking for preys, it is widely used as hunting dogs not as pets.

A fairly small dog breed, the German Hunting Terrier stands at about 16 inches and weighs more or less 20 pounds. Though small in its size, the entire physique of this breed is strong and powerful. This well-built torso and legs of the German Hunting Terrier makes it a good hunting dog. Its being a versatile breed makes it able to perform hunting even in shallow waters. Its coat, which resembles that of a Dobermann, may range from black to dark brown with a touch of tan color.

The Jagd Terrier is a tough and energetic breed and is always up to some hunting experience such as chasing for wild boars, badgers and foxes. Its flair on hunting, however, does not make it a hostile breed. In fact, it is a generally friendly to people. The German Hunting Terrier is generally devoted to only one master, which makes it loyal and dedicated to his owner.
The Jagd Terrier is a relatively small dog breed standing at about 16 inches and weighing about 20-25 pounds. Although small in size, its hunting skills in undeniably great and incomparably versatile. Its prominent characteristic is its round and medium length muzzle and small ears which are folded above the head. The small, vigilant and intelligent eyes clearly show their expressions and feelings which make them easily understood.

The dog's narrow chest and sunken tummy makes it smaller compared with other dog breeds but adds up to its perkiness and agility. This breed also has a well-arched ribs and long and straight back. Aside from that, it has muscular loin and croup which supports its hind quarters' perfect angulation. Its muscular and rigid legs are also pronounced and important in its hunting dexterity. The dog's tail is usually docked and relatively long which makes it easy for the owners to pull them out of dens.

Its thin but strong legs similar to the shape of that of a rabbit's is helpful most especially in hunting. Most German Hunting Terriers have sleek black coat with a slight tan in it makes it similar to that of a Doberman. The coat's thickness and volume, which may either be harsh or smooth is important in hunting because it lessens the possible wounds and scars they might acquire from thorny bushes and plants.

Markings may be found on several parts of the terrier's body such as the eyebrows, muzzles, chest, legs and base of tail.
A German Hunting Terrier is bred to be used for hunting and sporty activities, not as pets inside the house. Although the dog is generally people-friendly, the dog's full functionality can be utilized when in hunting and in outdoor activities rather than inside the house of their masters. Its intelligence in hunting and determination should be utilized in activities where it could burn its energy and make use of its strength.

A German Hunting Terrier is also devoted to only one master which does not make it good as a family pet because it only keeps its loyalty to a single person. This breed's emotions and temperament are easily understood because of its deep set, intelligent and expressive eyes.
Caring for a German Hunting Terrier is not that intricate. Because of its not so voluminous coat, grooming the dog is easy. The dog's coat should be brushed once a week to keep it free from dead hairs and keep their hair shiny. Aside from simple grooming, what this breed needs is constant exercise. If possible, you should allow it almost a few hours each day to run around unleashed because of its combustible energy.

Jagd terriers, when kept inside the house for quite long become anxious and restless because they need to be engaged in strenuous activities such as hunting or running freely in the yard. This is the reason why owners of this breed should have a relatively large yard to accommodate the need of their pets. Aside from engaging in energetic activities, this breed also has social needs and in fact needs love and attention, too.
This German Hunting Terrier, also known as Jagd terrier (German or Deutscher) has been developed into a new single breed only in the early 20th century. The dog has been developed in Germany, its country of origin, as a breed for many functions and one of which is to accompany hunters and masters in hunting trips. This development of this very intelligent and determined dog has not been that easy and in fact took several years of hardwork and patience of several dog breeders.

It was in the early 20th century when a dog breeding enthusiast Lutz Heck, a German curator of the Berlin Zoo and his brother Heinz Heck convinced the powers of Germany to pursue on their quest to make a breed of the German Hunting Terrier. This was sparked by the ever rising technology in genetic engineering the Germany, and the height of terriers' popularity in US and Europe in terms of fashion. More than that, the proponents were also in the quest for creating a breed which would compete with other terriers in the dog shows, such as the British and American Fox Terriers.

Because of their fascination with terriers, the Heck brothers presented their proposal to Carl Gruenewald and Walter Zangenbert, famous cynologist and terrier aficionado respectively. Welsh Terriers and Old English Wirehead Terriers were decided to be used as donor of the genes which contain the appearance of terriers. On the other hand, the Black and Tan Hunting dog, from where the Jagd terrier got its natural hunting instinct was from Germany. After several years of hardwork and experimentation, they were able to make what they wanted- a breed which resembles a Patterdale-like appearance but armored with great hunting skills.

Soon after, the German Hunting Terrier Club was founded on 1926 and the new dog breed was welcomed warmly in Germany. In the United States, however, the German Hunting Terrier wasn't given that much attention compared with Germany because first, Americans have their own dog breeds which are better than the Jagd Terriers, and more than that, they found it hard to give up previous breeds which they make use of.

Nevertheless, the breed of German Hunting Terrier was also brought to America after World War II and in fact, the Jagd Terrier Club of America was made with the purpose of having their breed recognized by the American Kennel Club. The latter did not recognize the said breed and eventually died out due to the aforementioned problems.

As time passed, Jagd Terriers are again starting to spread in the US lands as new breeds are again being imported. However, due to the size of these terriers, they cannot be allowed to do underground works, so they are commonly used in barns.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-25 12:57:10 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通

也叫德国亨特梗    德国狩猎梗   

肩高(公/母)13-16英寸(33-40厘米)/ 13-16英寸(33-40厘米)
重量(公/母)20-22磅(9-10公斤)/ 16-19磅(7.5-8.5公斤)























警惕而又机智的眼睛    使人能能清楚地理解他们要表达的表情和感受





德国猎梗的专一性  也使它很难做为一个成功的家庭宠物,









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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-25 13:02:25 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通


   犬 种:德国 http://imgsrc.baidu.com/baike/abpic/item/b13fd4804a0128c49123d9e9.jpg


  别 名:德国猎梗犬

  英文名:German Hunting Terrier|German Hunt Terrier

  分类:小型犬 工作犬 梗犬



  别名德国梗(Deutscher Terrier),德国本土培育的严肃的猎手。除了在巴伐利亚培育的品种之外,祖先全为包括威尔士梗和猎狐梗在内的不列颠梗犬。体型相对比较小的犬类,适合作为家庭伴侣犬,汽车旅游陪伴犬和野外狩猎犬。但仍归属于工作犬,以灵敏的鼻子而闻名。披毛普通,厚而密实,有硬毛和短毛两个类型。1926年德国猎梗俱乐部成立,1951年首次被德国移民带入美国。该品种可以胜任几乎任何狩猎活动,经过训练可以跟踪血迹找到受伤的猎物,也可以激飞和寻回鸟类。在猎取野猪时可以用吠叫来进行驱赶和围困,尽管体型不大,但却是大型猎物如熊和山狮的难对付的对手。
  身材短小紧凑。头部伸长,吻端不尖,有点像楔形,吻部比颅部稍短。颅 http://imgsrc.baidu.com/baike/abpic/item/d478a800f39644bae950cd80.jpg 德国猎梗


  身高 41 厘米左右

  体重 9-10 公斤




  FCI所属组别 :第三组:梗犬组

  身高:雄性德国猎梗肩高13.0-15.8英寸(33.0-40.0厘米) 雌性德国 http://imgsrc.baidu.com/baike/abpic/item/027a45b50d826bf336d3ca83.jpg 德国猎梗


  体重范围:雄性德国猎梗体重19.8-22.0磅(9.0-10.0公斤) 雌性德国猎梗体重16.5-18.7磅(7.5-8.5公斤)



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发表于 2010-8-26 00:36:32 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海普陀区
本帖最后由 hereuare 于 2010-8-26 00:39 编辑

兄弟要是以后有好的犬种资料或图片   就请添加以便大家方便交流学习!
如云烟 发表于 2010-8-23 23:15


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发表于 2010-8-29 10:08:14 | 只看该作者 来自: 云南西双版纳州
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发表于 2010-8-30 05:41:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 浙江杭州
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发表于 2010-8-30 08:35:56 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东泰安
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发表于 2010-9-1 09:03:49 | 只看该作者 来自: 云南曲靖
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 10:36:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-9-1 10:39 编辑


是因为看到绝大部分人还分不清哈士奇  阿拉斯加 和爱斯基摩犬的关系和区别

百度资料更是一塌糊途  误人子弟 ......





The Canadian Eskimo Dog should always be powerfully built, athletic, and imposing in appearance.
It should be of "powerful physique giving the impression that he is not built for speed but rather for hard work."
[1] As is typical of spitz breeds, it has erect, triangular ears, and a heavily feathered tail that is carried over its back.
Males should be distinctly more masculine than females, who are finer boned, smaller, and often have a slightly shorter coat.

The Canadian Eskimo Dog's temperament reflects its original work and environment. It is tough, intelligent, and alert.
It is affectionate and gentle, and develops a deep bond with its owner and is intensely loyal.
Canadian Eskimo Dogs are best suited as companions for adults, rather than children,
as they can be over-excitable. When used as sled dogs, they were often required to forage and hunt for its own food.
Consequently, many Canadian Eskimo Dogs have stronger prey drive than some other breeds. Owing to their original environment,
they take pure delight in cold weather, often preferring to sleep outside in cold climates. Like most spitz breeds they can bevery vocal.


The Canadian Eskimo Dog is generally considered to be a very old dog breed, possibly as old as over 1,000 years.

It was first bred by the Thule people. Therefore it is related to the Greenland Dog,
so much so that some authorities consider them the same breed. It was, and still is (to a very limited extent),
used by the Canadian Inuit as multi-purpose dogs, often put to work hunting seals and other arctic game,
and hauling supplies and people.

In the 1800s and early 1900s this breed was in demand for polar expeditions.
When snowmobiles came into use the population numbers started rapidly declining,
because snowmobiles are faster and need less care.
In the 1950s there were approximately 20,000 dogs living in the Canadian Arctic,
and had been accepted for showing by both the AKC and CKC,
however in 1959 the AKC dropped the breed from its registry because of extremely low numbers.
By 1963 there was supposedly only one dog registered with the CKC, and when this dog died there were still no others registered.

It probably would have gone extinct if not for the Eskimo Dog Research Foundation (EDRF).
The EDRF was founded in 1972 by William Carpenter and John McGrath
and was largely funded by the Canadian Government and the Northwest Territories, with some support from the CKC.
The EDRF purchased dogs from the small (about 200 dogs) population remaining in the Canadian arctic from remote Inuit camps on Baffin Island,
Boothia Peninsula, and Melville Peninsula. The EDRF then began breeding dogs in order to increase numbers.

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is still very rare, however it is becoming more popular in arctic tourism,
with an increasing number of sled dog teams that serve tourists.
This newfound popularity is because tourists often enjoy seeing the dogs in their natural environment doing what they are meant for.


这些在加拿大的爱斯基摩犬是强壮的    富有运动性的   




雄性狗的骨架更大   想比雌性来讲   毛量也比雄性略短















就是现在   它们仍然被用来作为多用途工作犬,








到1963年  只有一只在册犬了,而当这只狗死后,仍然没有其他人注册



由加拿大gov和西北地区资助   威廉和约翰组织成立了该基金


如巴芬岛  布西亚半岛和斯坎维尔半岛的因纽特人那儿  购买了约200只小狗


目前为至   加拿大爱斯基摩狗仍是非常罕见的

但它在北极旅游中越来越受欢迎 ...

人们加入雪橇狗的团队   体会人  狗 与自然的合谐 !

canadian_eskimo_dog.jpg (15.53 KB, 下载次数: 23)

猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-1 10:54:03 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-9-1 10:57 编辑

The Canadian Eskimo Dogs are said to be North America’s rarest and oldest remaining purebred breed of dogs. They are a type of Arctic breed of dogs. They are also referred to as Quimmiq in some places. They were the only way of transportation in the Canadian arctic once upon a time, but they became rare around the 1960’s. This was because of the growing popularity of manmade machines such as snowmobiles which were more reliable, efficient and much faster.
The Canadian Eskimo Dogs are well built and give the impression that they are built for hard work and not for speed. They are very athletic and also have a very imposing appearance. Like most of the Spitz breeds, they have triangular ears that stand erect. The heavy thick quantity of hair on their back is also carried over to their tails. The male Canadian Eskimo Dogs are more masculine than their female counter parts which are smaller in size with a shorter coat. The males weigh in at around 66 to 88 pounds (30 to 40 kg) and the female weigh in at around 40 to 66 pound (18 to 30 kg). They are pretty huge and furry as they stand tall at around 23 to 28 inches (50 to 70 cm) for the males and the females stand tall at around 19.5 to 23.5 inches (50 to 60 cm).






在以前很长一段时间  它们是加拿大北极地区运输的唯一途径







公狗站立约23 - 28英寸(50至70厘米)高


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 11:44:29 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通

The mighty Khonch Nokhoi is considered to be a Mongolian variant of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog by some and a regional sub-type of the Tibetan Mastiff by others, but some authorities believe this is incorrect. It most certainly has ties to the dogs of Tibet, as well as to the Altai Herders and other Asian working dogs, but is believed by most Mongolians to be much older than any of these other breeds. During the Soviet occupation of the region, a fair ammount of Caucasian Ovcharka and German Shepherd blood influenced the breed, leaving only a small number of pure Mongolian dogs in existence. Imported dogs from Tibet are occasionally crossed with native sheepdogs of Mongolia, with hopes of reviving the breed. Sometimes called a Mongolian Ovcharka, the Hon'ch Nohoi is a rugged and resilient Moloss, valued for its fierce personality and good working qualities.

http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10185/Mongol37653.jpghttp://www.molosserdogs.com/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10185/MongolianShepherd1997.jpgThis breed is celebrated by the native Mongolians, who in fact believe themselves to be a result of a mating between a dog and a deer. Said to had been the favourite dog of Genghis Khan, it undoubtedly influenced the bloodlines of some European breeds. There are two main types within the breed, differentiated by size and temperament. The heavy and tall mastiff variant is usually used as a property guardian and is better known outside Mongolia, but the smaller working sheepdogs are much more common and are prized herders and shepherds' companions. Both types of the Honch Nohoi are commonly found in the same litter, but the puppies are then separated and raised for different purposes. Crosses between the types are known as Bancars and are very common, but aren't as valued. A variety of sub-types can be encountered throughout Mongolia, some of which are seen as separate breeds by a number of researchers

http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/11127/thumb_mongol.jpgThis alert watchdog is rare today, reportedly more numerous outside its native borders than within Mongolia. Strong protection drive and confrontational nature, coupled with its strength and stubborn character, make the Mongolian Hon'ch Nohoi unsuitable for urban life. These tough dogs are playful with their masters and very gentle with children, but have very little tolerance for strange people and dogs. The ears of the working sheepdogs are almost always cropped, while the large home guardians are usually left in their naturalstate. Regardless of type, the harsh dense coat varies in length and comes in a range of colours, from white to gray to black, but the black-n-tan dogs are the most favoured, especially the ones with clearly defined tan markings above the eyes. The height rarely exceeds 24 inches at the withers, although some examples of the larger variant are said to reach the height of 30 inches on occasion.

The Land of Dogs

I am a French dog lover who is passionate by rare canines. In the old English book about dogs I met the Mongolian Mastiff, the largest of mastiff breeds. In the same book a Manchurian Snow dog is also mentioned. Sometimes it is called the Mongolian dog. Chengis khan is said to be a very good hunter who owned a lot of prey birds and dogs. Do nomads use specific dogs for hunting?

Filippe Touret, Reims, France

[size=-1]Mongolian Dog Types
Be Brave as Lion
Dog Care and Maintenance
Good Dog Signs
Save Bankhar!


Trusted gurd of ghers and herds

Many travelers who visited Mongolia in different periods were impressed with the number of cattle and dogs.

Mongolian nomadic families usually migrate with their cattle, frequently changing pastures. With such lifestyle the service of dogs is essential for alerting about arrival of strangers, guarding and herding sheep flocks. Each nomadic family usually has 2-3 dogs to look after livestock, guard the house and help in hunting.

1990 study by A. Osor, director of the dog training school, gives examples of how dogs serve nomadic herders.
  • Dog Nyangar owned by herder Luvsantseren of Delgerkhaan soum in Khnetii province, at night walks around the sheep flock every 30-40 minutes checking around.
  • Herder Bazarsuren from Bulgan soum in South Gobi province trained his dog Khuder to take cattle to pasture and bring back in the evening.
  • Herder Zeveg from Middle Gobi told that once he saw two wolves attacking his sheep flock grazing some 10 kilometers distance. Under the master order his dog Olz rushed to save the sheep and soon brought back the entire flock with no single animal lost.

Dog was always a loyal friend and companion to nomadic herders. Many ancient rock paintings show that Central Asian nomads used dogs for guarding their flocks and hunting. Graveyards of Hunnu people often contain metal embroidery and pottery with pictures of hunters with dogs or dogs buried along with their masters.

Ancient Chinese historical records describe Hunuu dogs as "very ferocious and big dogs with strong legs and wide chest."


Mongolian type dog

Dogs are mentioned very often in famous historical documents and literary epics as "Dogs are the most loyal friends. They will never change poor master for a rich herder, grown by poor nomad it will never follow even a khaan." There was even a poem composed by Sandag, a famous poet of 19th century "Praise to Dog"

Ch. Jugder, well known expert on Medieval Mongolian philosophy, notes that "Mongols deeply respected and revered their dogs and the dogs never betrayed their masters."

Such respect for dogs even found reflection in the legislation. The Codes of Law from 1640 and 1709 (enforced and observed until 1921) both contain provisions prohibiting to kills or beat dogs.

Dogs, similar to horses, were buried on the hills so that people do not walk on their remains. Dog's tail was cut off and placed under the head. A piece of fat was put into their mouth and words of wishes to be born as a human being in the next life were said before burial.

Before the revolution of 1921 the number of fogs in the country was astonishing. According to veterinarian D. Tseveenjav, some 200-300,000 dogs lived in the country in 20s. Since the total population of that time counted approximately half a million, Mongolia was truly the land of dogs then.

As the population gets more and more settled and repeated campaign to destroy stray dogs, the number of dogs is diminished. According to A. Osor study, in 1985 there were 18,840 dogs registered in the country.

Mongolian Dog Types

Traditionally four types of native dogs were maintained in Mongolia.

    1. Gharzh (gharts)- Tibetan Mastiff. For centuries Mongolia and Tibet shared Buddist Lamaism religion and have had close cultural interaction. Thousands of Buddhist monks traveled each year to Tibet on pilgrimage while Tibetan monks maintained a separate district in the capital city of Mongolia. Not surprisingly Tibetan Mastiffs were widespread, especially at monasteries and small villages being used primarily as guard dogs.

    2. Taiga (n) - Siberian Laika dogs from Siberian taiga forest. They came to Mongolia through Northern Mongols- the Buryats. Taiga (n) dog is almost as large sized as Mongolian one but is lighter in shape with longer legs and thinner body. Maintained mostly in moutainous northern regions, it is primarily used for hunting.
    3. Borz- Central Asian hounddog type. Often called Fast Brown, they can be found in north-east parts of the country.
    4. Mongolian dog. Resembles strongly that of Tibetan Mastiff. As a breed it is not registered though D Tsevenjav, a veterinarian who studied the breed during 70-80s notes that it has distinct morphological and physical specifics.

According to A. Osor studies Mongolian dog breed has the following parameters:

Body length108 cm 107 cm
Chest width18,7 cm 16,1 cm
Height3 cm (+-9.0) 58.7 (+-3)
Weight 38 kg average
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 11:45:33 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通


Mostly black colored. Sometimes have white or yellowish spots on chest, face, legs, tail end. The special sign of a true Mongolian dog are a pair of yellow or brown spots above eyes.

Hair usually is 3-4 cm long with dense under hair. Dogs shedding their winter hair often look like lions with clutches of and strips of hair hanging from sides.

Mongolian dog barking is low and deep. They have excellent listening and can hear master's soft call from as far as 250- 300 meters.
Sniffing is not that good as German shepherd but Mongolian dogs can find out meat from as far as 350 meters. They can follow tracks for 20-30 kilometers.
During heat season up to 20-30 dogs may follow a ***** dog. It is rather dangerous to threaten ***** dog as the entire pack may attack. Female dogs give birth twice per year each time delivering 5-7 puppies.
Mongolian dogs live up to 15-16 years.

Mongolian dogs are quiet animals, walk slowly observing surroundings with intent and long glaze. They have stamina and brave. They watch intently and long. When confronted by man they usually turn head away or retreat but can attack suddenly from behind if there is a chance.

Especially dangerous are those dogs that appear without any sound and attack in silence, without giving any warning. It is very rare to see dogs fighting among themselves but the entire pack will attach any outsider dog.
The Mongolian dog character did not improve much since the times of Huns. Even today horse riders approaching a nomadic tent will shout from distance to restrict dogs and leaves horse only when home masters come out and order dogs to keep quiet and not to touch the guest.
A.Osor studies found that Mongolian dogs are not as fit as German shepherd dog for tracking. They do not learn orders well and even when learn obey with lazily. They liked verbal praise more than food.
But this does not mean that they are inferior to other types of dogs. In specific situation like wolves attacking sheep herd they can be brave and deadly efficient.

Be Brave as Lion and Sharp Eyed as Falcon!

Dogs are the only domesticated animals Mongols give names. All the other animals are given nicknames based on their color or shape while dogs are considered a family member.

A list of dog names, made by Mongolian architect B. Adya, contains more than 100 entries.
According to tradition, before bringing in a puppy a Buddhist monk is consulted to see if the dog birth year is favorable to the owner, as well as to tell a good day and hour to bring the dog to the home.
A new master should bring in gifts to the owner of the dog as well as food for the she dog.
When puppy is brought to home for the first time it is fed with some milk. After this the foundation of its ears and the tail end are smeared with some fat with the wish of turning into a lion. Then the new owner whispers the dog name into its ear.
Each name has meaning. Eagle, Falcon, Lion according to some qualities of these animals. Often names are associated with the kind of service: Hunter, Guard, Shepherd etc or desired qualities: Fast, Bringing in Good, Lucky...

Dog Care and Maintenance

Mongols keep their dogs free, without tyeing or building dog house. The only must be thing is a wooden plate kept at some distance form the gher. Dogs are let known that they can eat only from that plate while the rest of food is forbidden.

Dogs are usually fed what remains from the family, mostly the bone remains. During mass slaughtering of livestock in autumn or festives a special 'dog share' is set aside. Often utensils soup is cooked for dogs. It is said that one can immediately know if a nomadic family has a dog judging by how clean is the surroundings.
Sometimes it happens that dog steals food. In such case it disappears feeling guilty. Even when returning after few days it stay at distance waiting for a sign of pardon from master.
Mongols make warm winter coats and boots from dog skins. Dog hair is known to be most warm and light furs. Each spring up to 400 grams of soft under hair can be combed from one dog. This is used for knitting winter socks with which feet never get cold during winter.
Dog meat believed to have special curing powers ands often used for treating lung diseases.

Good Dog Signs


Only dogs are given own name and treated as family member

There are strict rules for picking up a good dog some of which are contained in Medieval medical scripts and some of which are passed from father to son.

According to these rules, dog's outside appearance is important in judging a good one. It is believed that a dog with heart shaped white spot on chest will be very brave and loyal.
Reddish shadow in eyes indicated that the dog will be fierce fighter ready to fight until the end. White spots near claws are good omen as they bring in wealth to the master's home but white socks and white tail end mean that the dog will steal food and neglect its duties.
Bringing in dog puppy form faraway place, keeping dogs of different breeds, with gray color or mixed breed was strongly discouraged.
When choosing from among the puppies, the last-born is usually given preference as the best.
Dog character is tested by lifting it from tail or leg. If the puppy remains silent and attempts to curb the body it will be a strong and good dog. Short and soft hair, flexible skin, wide chest and small back are also considered to be signs of a good dog.

Save Bankhar!


Arslan (means Lion) was brought from South Gobi. “Such dogs are rare now,” says Gantogoo, dog seller on the flea market.
Picture by N. Bolormunkh

Bankhar is a popular name for dogs. It is translated as 'flat faced' and often serves as nickname for any dog.

"Save Bankhar!" is the motto of those worried with the sudden decline of the number of Mongolian dogs. If 20 years ago they comprised about 30% of all registered dogs and nowadays it is hard to find one real Mongolian dogs even in remote areas.
Inter- breeding began in late 1940s, the time of Trans Siberian railroad. Prisoners of war and Unit 505 comprising of servicemen from Russian General Vlasov fighting against the Soviets on the side the Nazi Germans during WWII were brought to Mongolia to accomplish the tedious task. For several years the unit men virtually paved the road with dead and built narrow rails above.
After the construction was complete, Russians withdrew leaving behind empty labor concentration camps and hundreds of abandoned guard dogs, usually German shepherd dogs.
Mongolian writer Dogmid, one of the initiators of the Mongolian Dog saving movement, recalls that when he was a child almost every family in the Zuun bayan town area had a German shepherd dog.
The second wave of mixing began with the arrival of more than 100,000 Russian military and advisers in mid-60s who were bringing their own dogs along.
Nowadays it is in fashion among young Mongolians to won rare dog breeds, from Chinese Chua-Chua to English bulldogs. Often abandoned by their owners they join the army of stray dogs comprising now a great variety of breeds from all over the world.
Though one can find many rare dogs on the local market, it is rare to see a puppy of true Mongolian dogs on sale.

0.23905254431670098.rtw-2008_1213041600_hooder-the-dog.jpg (24.6 KB, 下载次数: 26)


Tibmong.jpg (21.9 KB, 下载次数: 23)

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 11:46:11 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通







强壮高大的獒犬 通常是用来作为看护财产








每个蒙古牧民家庭都有2-3 条这样的狗照顾畜群,守卫房屋和协助狩猎。   

A. Osor是犬训练学校的指导老师,他1990年的时候给我举了游牧民族的狗是如何为牧民服务的。
*Bulgan牧场的牧人 Bazarsuren训练他的牧犬Khuder白天将畜群带到牧场吃草,晚上再赶回来。   

*Herder Zeveg是从蒙古中部戈壁来的,他说一次在他将羊群赶到10 公里以外的草场吃草的时候,两只狼袭击了他的羊群。



匈奴人的墓地中经常有绘有猎人和猎犬狩猎场景的金属或陶制的器皿,或者有狗陪葬在他的主人的身边 。   




Ch. Jugder是研究中世纪蒙古哲学的专家,他指出”蒙古人深深的爱着他们的狗,并且极其尊重它们,而他们的狗也从未背叛过他们的主人。   

这样的尊重也被写进了法律,1640年到1790 年的法律中包含了禁止打杀犬只的法令(观察和强迫执行到1921年为止)。   




蒙古土生的犬种一般有4 个类型




所以藏獒在蒙古流传开是不足以为奇的,尤其是修道院和小的山村,人们都用它来守护家园。  (但反过来说   是否蒙古獒也影响或决定了藏獒的血统)






和藏獒一样强壮,只到70-80年代一位兽医D Tsevenjav作了调查研究以后,才作出了蒙古犬身材形态的确实描述

雄犬 雌犬

  身长 108 cm 107 cm

  胸宽18,7 cm 16,1 cm

  肩高63 cm (+-9.0) 58.7 (+-3)

  体重 平均38KG  (   公 100-120磅  母  70-80磅 )


特殊标记是眉上有一对黄色或棕色的对称圆斑。 ( 就是铁包金 )

蒙古獒被毛一般为3-4 cm长,有着浓密的底毛。




雌犬一年产两次,每窝5-7个幼犬。 蒙古獒的寿命一般是15-16年








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发表于 2010-9-4 12:37:04 | 只看该作者 来自: 海南海口
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-15 15:16:13 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
加个中英文名录的对比   方便大家查询


边境牧羊犬Border Collie 喜乐蒂牧羊犬(SHETLAND SHEEPDOG) 澳大利亚牧牛犬(Australian Cattle Dog)
佛兰德斯牧牛犬(Flanders Cattle Dog) 阿登牧牛犬(Ardennes Cattle Dog) 澳大利亚卡尔比犬(Australian Kelpie )3-31]
捷克斯洛伐克狼犬(Czekslovakian Wolfdog)FCI 斯恰潘道斯犬(Dutch Schapendoes) 萨卢斯猎狼犬(Saarloos Wolfdog)
澳大利亚牧羊犬(Australian Shepherd ) 克罗地亚牧羊犬(Croatian Sheepdog)FCI 泰托拉牧羊犬(Tatra Shepherd Dog)
波兰低地牧羊犬(Polish Lowland Sheepdog) 马地犬(Mudi) 荷兰牧羊犬(Dutch Shepherd Dog)
比利时牧羊犬(Belgian Shepherd Dog) 贝加马斯卡牧羊犬(Bergamasco Shepherd Dog) 德国牧羊犬(GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG)  
斯洛伐克楚维卡犬(Slovakian Chuvach)  长毛比利牛斯牧羊犬(Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog) 平脸比利牛斯牧羊犬(Pyrenean Sheepdog-smoothfaced)
葡萄牙牧羊犬(PORTUGUESE SHEEPDOG) 西帕凯牧羊犬(Schipperke)FCI标准(英文版)  波密犬(PUMI)FCI标准(英文版)
波利犬(Puli)FCI标准(英文版)  库瓦茨犬(Kuvasz)FCI标准(英文版)  可蒙犬(Komondor)FCI标准(英文版)  
法国狼犬(Beauceron)FCI标准英文版 彭布罗克威尔士柯基(Welsh Corgi Pembroke) 古代英国牧羊犬(Old English Sheepdog)
玛瑞玛安布卢斯牧羊犬(Maremmaand Abruzzes Sheepdog)


沙皮犬(SHAR PEI) 迷你宾莎犬(Miniature Pinscher) 罗威纳犬(ROTTWEILER)
拳师犬(Deutscher Boxer) 大型瑞士山地犬(Great Swiss Mountain Dog) 恩特雷布赫牧牛犬(Entlebuch Cattle Dog)
阿彭则牧牛犬(Appenzell CattleDog) 伯恩山犬(Bernese Mountain Dog) 意大利凯因克尔索犬(Cane Corso Italiano)
中亚牧羊犬(Central Asia Shepherd Dog) 安那托利亚牧羊犬(Anatolian Shepherd Dog) 高加索牧羊犬(Caucasian Shepherd Dog)
丹麦布罗荷马獒(Broholmer) 沙皮犬(Shar Pei) 阿根廷杜高犬(Dogo Argentino)
卡斯特牧羊犬(Karst Shepherd Dog) 獒犬(Mastiff) 土佐犬(Tosa)
马略卡獒犬(Majorca Mastiff) 阿特拉斯牧羊犬(Atlas Shepherd Dog) 大丹犬(Great Dane)
西藏獒犬(Tibetan Mastiff) 兰希尔犬(Landseer) 巴西獒犬(Fila Brasileiro)
那不勒斯獒犬(Neapolitan Mastiff) 霍夫瓦尔特犬(Hovawart) 埃斯特卑拉山犬(Serradaestrela Mountain Dog)
卡斯托莱博瑞罗犬(Castro Laboreiro Dog) 斗牛獒犬(Bullmastiff) 斗牛犬(Bulldog)
罗威纳犬(Rottweiler) 兰伯格犬(Leonberger) 德国拳师犬(German Boxer)
比利牛斯山地犬(Pyrenean Mountain Dog) 法国波尔多獒(Doguede Bordeaux) 阿兰多獒犬(Alentejo Mastiff)
比利牛斯獒犬(Pyrenean Mastiff) 西班牙獒犬(Spanish Mastiff) 圣伯纳犬(Saint Bernard Dog)
纽芬兰犬(Newfoundland) 黑?犬(Black Terrier) 荷兰斯姆茨杭德犬(Hollandse Smoushond)
猴面宾莎犬(Affenpinscher) 迷你宾莎犬(Miniature Pinscher) 德国宾莎犬(German Pinscher)
迷你雪那瑞(Miniature Schnauzer) 雪纳瑞(Schnauzer) 巨型雪纳瑞(Giant Schnauzer)
杜宾犬(Dobermann) 澳大利亚短毛宾莎犬(Austrianshort-haired Pinscher)

苏格兰更(SCOTTISH TERRIER) 牛头更(BULL TERRIER) 澳洲丝毛更(Australian Silky Terrier)
约克夏更(Yorkshire Terrier) 英国玩具更(English Toy Terrier) 美国斯塔福德郡更犬(American Staffordshire Terrier)
斯塔福郡斗牛更(Staffordshire Bull Terrier) 牛头更(Bull Terrier)  杰克拉赛尔更(JackRussell Terrier)
罗福更(Norfolk Terrier) 日本更(Japanese Terrier) 捷克更(Cesky Terrier)
威尔士斯宾格猎犬(Welsh Springer Spaniel) 短脚长身更(Dandie Dinmont Terrier) 西高地白更犬(West Highland White Terrier)
斯凯更(Skye Terrier) 西里汉姆梗(Sealyham Terrier) 苏格兰更(Scottish Terrier)
诺维茨梗(Norwich Terrier) 澳大利亚梗(Australian Terrier) 凯安梗(Cairn Terrier)
帕森拉﹒罗赛尔(ParsonRussellTerrier)  爱尔兰峡谷梗(Irish GlenofImaal Terrier) 刚毛猎狐更(Fox Terrier Wire)
爱尔兰梗(Irish Terrier) 德国猎梗(German Hunting Terrier) 威尔士(Welsh Terrier)
曼彻斯特(Manchester Terrier) 湖畔梗(Lakeland Terrier)  平毛猎狐(Fox Terrier Smooth)
伯德(Border Terrier) 贝灵顿(Bedlington Terrier) 万能(Airedale Terrier)
爱尔兰软毛麦色梗(Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier)
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发表于 2010-9-16 21:27:18 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东汕尾
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1 护卫獒类

2 猎犭更类

3 水性强的猎犬类

4 牧羊犬类

5 灵犭是类

6 牵引拖曳犬类
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